Features, Highlights

Come, re-commit yourself to God

Close up view on pair of hands folded together in prayer according to Christian religious tradition

At the upcoming Aldersgate Sunday Celebration on 21 May, the Methodist community will be called together as a body of Christ to reaffirm its commitment to further God’s Kingdom, pursue holiness in the Wesleyan fashion, and to build upon the vision by John Wesley of a church that “desire[s] nothing but God, [and that which] will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on Earth”.

In solidarity, therefore, a specially-prepared Prayer of Commitment will be recited during the Celebration:

A charge to keep I have,
A God to glorify,
A never-dying soul to save,
And fit it for the sky.

To serve the present age,
My calling to fulfil;
O may it all my powers engage
To do my Master’s will!

— Charles Wesley, ‘A Charge to Keep I Have’ (UMH 413)

Many of you will also have the chance to say this prayer in your churches on 21 May, but the experience of standing in unison with Methodist brothers and sisters across churches will be stirring. The prayer will also be printed and provided as a keepsake item for all attendees, as a reminder to stay committed and continue praying even after the event.

Don’t miss this opportunity to renew your commitment to the Lord – come for the Aldersgate Sunday Celebration!

As Aldersgate SG comes into its 15th iteration, there is not only a sense of homecoming underlined by the fact that it will be held at Paya Lebar Methodist Church – the church that hosted the first Aldersgate – but also a desire to hearken back to the roots of what it means to be a disciple of Christ: having a heart to pursue holiness.

This year, Bishop Dr Chong Chin Chung and Bishop Emeritus Dr Robert Solomon will be speaking on this very topic. There will be three sessions of teachings: “The Joy of Holiness”, “The Face of Holiness”, and “The Power for Holiness”.

21 May, Sun, 5.00 p.m.

“The Joy of Holiness”

Find out what Holiness can do in your life and the freedom it brings.

23 May, Tues, 7.45 p.m.

“The Face of Holiness”

Holiness is not meant to be an exercise in moralistic legalism. It is, simply, a way of life modelled after Christ.

24 May, Wed, 7.45 p.m.

“The Power for Holiness”

Come experience the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit as we are called to be transformed as just as the Apostles were.

Register at aldersgate.methodist.org.sg, or approach your local church office today!

