Events, News

Concert to raise funds for Geylang Chinese MC

GEYLANG Chinese Methodist Church will hold a concert at the Singapore Conference Hall on May 8 and 9, 2002 at 8 pm to raise funds for its $2-million renovations and extension.

The main item for the concert will be the musical “The Apostle” to be presented by the “Voices of Praise” choir. It will be conducted by Mr Goh Say Meng.

The building project is currently under way and is due to be completed by August this year.

The project is necessary for the continued growth of the ministry of the church. Leaders say that the renovated building will increase the capacity for worship and the various ministries and outreach to the Geylang neighbourhood.

With the improved facilities, the church hopes to better serve its members and other Christians by hosting conferences, seminars, prayer meetings, weddings and funerals.

The first phase of the upgrading began on Oct 1 last year. In this phase, work focused mainly on the four-and-a-half-storey Christian Education Centre-cum-parsonage, bell tower and prayer chapel, which was first constructed in 1974.

At the same time, the Land Office has granted the church the right to redeem part of a piece of triangular land, which is almost 78 sq m.

The entire upgrading includes the erection of a 13-passenger lift, some extension works on Aljunied Road and Sims Avenue sides, the inclusion of corridors on the second, third and fourth floors into the main halls and an extension of area on the fifth floor.

The Rev Ding Bing Hoe, the Pastor-in-Charge of the church, said: “This is the first time the church has been upgraded and renovated since it was built. It is definitely a good time to upgrade the facilities and to enlarge the area occupied by the church.”

He said there would be more rooms and space for the church’s ministry after the upgrading, and the lift would enable the church members, especially the elderly, to move about with ease.

“God has blessed us and we want to bless all our church members as well as other church organisations and denominations by opening our church to them,” he said.

The church has raised more than $1million, and faces the challenge of raising the remaining $800,000 this year.
“We are grateful for the donations,” said the Rev Ding, “and please continue to pray with us.”

He entrusted the challenge of raising the remaining funds to the Lord.

Cheque donations can be made payable to Geylang Chinese Methodist Church, 52 Aljunied Road, Singapore 389820. The church also welcomes interest-free loans.

