
Conferences give tributes to Bishop Dr Solomon



ETAC holds appreciation dinner

AS BISHOP DR ROBERT SOLOMON retires as Bishop of e Methodist Church in Singapore this month, the Chinese Annual Conference and Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference gave tributes to him during their respective 37th Sessions last month.

At Tamil Methodist Church where the 37th Session of ETAC was held, an appreciation dinner was organised after the Closing Service on Nov 10.

Mrs Veronica Poore, Chairman of the Board of Presidency in ETAC, addressed the Bishop with these words: “What I value, and I am sure I speak for many others, is your spiritual discernment of God’s Word which is stated with much clarity and simplicity. In your sermons and written messages, you have exhorted us to have a meaningful and intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father.”

She further highlighted his humility despite his scholastic repute and the blessing he has been to ETAC and the church at large.

Mr Richard Jeremiah, a long-time leader of ETAC, said that “whatever [the Bishop] preaches, he has lived himself”.

He also commended the Bishop’s humility, consistent obedience to God, and determination to live according to his convictions.

Outgoing ETAC President Rev James Nagulan thanked God for the privilege of serving with Bishop Dr Solomon. He expressed his particular appreciation for the Bishop’s help and support in his past eight years as ETAC President.

On behalf of the conference, the Rev Dr J. Daniel, a retired ETAC pastor, presented tokens of appreciation to the Bishop.

Responding, Bishop Dr Solomon thanked ETAC for the gestures of love, friendship and fellowship. He thanked his wife for her support and expressed that there was still so much about God to learn. He briefly shared about their future plans, which included continuing to preach and do God’s work.


CAC expresses gratitude for his leadership

CHINESE ANNUAL CONFERENCE (CAC) President Rev Dr Chong Chin Chung offered words of tribute to Bishop Dr Solomon on Nov 12, the second day of the 37th Session of the CAC, at Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church 2 at Wishart Road. He expressed his gratitude for the Bishop’s leadership, teaching, guidance and care.

He said: “We feel sad and yet pleased. Sad, as we will see less of him and will miss his powerful messages in our meetings. Pleased, because after his retirement, he will have more time to write and speak on various topics in different places.”

Mr Han Hai Kwang, the Conference Lay Leader, similarly recognised the Bishop’s strength in writing about, teaching and expounding the Word of God, both in Singapore and the regions beyond.

He also highlighted the Bishop’s deep involvement in mission work, particularly in developing the work of the Methodist Missions Society, and in contributing to the promotion of understanding and respect among adherents of different faiths in multi-religious Singapore.

Mr Han closed by singing the third stanza of Charles Albert Tindley’s hymn “Stand By Me”, and expressing his prayer that the Lord would continue to stand by the Bishop, to guide him in his journey ahead.

Thereafter, Rev Dr Chong and Mr Han presented the Bishop with tokens of appreciation from the CAC.

