Happenings, News

Consecration Service marks joyous return for members of Trinity Methodist Church

After close to two years of church redevelopment, Trinity Methodist Church (TMC) has finally returned home to its new premises at 34 Serangoon Garden Way. The Consecration Service, which marked that joyous return, was held on December 12, 2004.

IT WAS a grey morning and the rain was light. This, however, did not deter the guests and congregations of all the serv-ices in Trinity Methodist Church (TMC) from arriving on time for the Consecration Service.

Although the service was held in the main sanctuary, the “live” video-feed brought the congregation in the new wor-ship hall and the main sanctuary together in worship.

At 10 am, the service began. An organ recital of “Recit de Nazard”, composed by Louis-Nicolas Clerambault, was delight-fully executed by Ms Mary Gan, Principal of the Methodist School of Music. One particular repertoire favourite was the Spanish hymn, “Toda la Tierra”, which invoked the use of chimes and bells on the organ. A choral introit completed the opening of the service with the hymn, “Celebrate the Lord”.

After that, TMC Pastor-in-Charge, the Rev Philip Lim, lit the third advent candle and the chairman of the Church Redevelopment Committee, Mr P. Sathiasingam, prayed for the church.

Indeed, the Lord’s presence was to be celebrated for the many blessings He had given TMC to carry out His work. Among these was God’s gift of friends and co-workers who voyaged with TMC as its new destiny was formed. The Rev Lim intro-duced these people to the congregation during the time of welcome and greetings and recalled their invaluable contributions.

Dr Hum Sin Hoon, Chairman of the Local Church Executive Committee (LCEC), noted the very intimate relation-ship which TMC has within the Methodist family. He encouraged the congregation to be mindful of that connectivity and to savour the moment of thankfulness for the church given by God.

Congratulatory messages and words of encouragement were then given by vari-ous guests. The newly-elected President of Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC), the Rev Wee Boon Hup, exhorted church members to allow the Holy Spirit to indwell them so as to be inflamed with the same passion that the church of Acts had. He likened a church with people without passion, to a country club.

Similarly, the immediate past Presi-dent of TRAC, the Rev Dr Isaac Lim, also called upon TMC to be “on fire for God”.

Before the consecration, Bishop Dr Robert Solomon delivered a sermon based on the text from 1 Chronicles 29: 10-20. He recounted one of his experiences in a church in England and spoke about the problems symptomatic of many churches in that country today, of which all that re-mains of these churches are the outward trappings of establishment – as evidenced by big beautiful cathedrals, shells to a handful of congregation.

Their current situation challenges TMC to be a church that is centred on worship, costly discipleship and mission.

Thereafter, the Bishop consecrated the church. In his prayer of consecration, he gave thanks for God’s blessings and asked Him to transform the church so that His will and purpose for the congregation may be fulfilled. He closed his prayer by invit-ing God to take ownership of His church.

The service ended with a benediction by the Bishop. Our new District Superin-tendent, the Rev Dr Jonathan Seet, said grace for lunch while asking the Lord to supply the needs of the church.

Chan Chong Wei worships at Trinity Methodist Church.


MSF: Come hear The Sound of Music

SINGAPOREANS will be given the rare opportunity of experiencing the classic musical, “The Sound of Music”, in its Broadway form from April 8 to April 30, 2005 at the Esplanade Theatre.

Proceeds from the evening show on April 10 will go to the Methodist Schools’ Foundation (MSF), which is raising funds for our Methodist schools. Tickets for this show will go on sale from the middle of February.

This Broadway production is directed by Dallet Norris and stars Jennifer Semrick as the free-spirited Maria and Jim Ballard as the stern Captain von Trapp. It is presented in Singapore by Citystate Management Group Holdings (CMGH).

