Pasir Panjang Tamil Methodist Church turns 80
PASIR PANJANG Tamil Methodist Church celebrated its 80th anniversary on June 3, 2007.
Bishop Dr Robert Solomon delivered the message from Matt 5:11-12. He called on the church members to live in the ever-present light of God and challenged them to seek God for their next phase of ministry.
The Rev J. Daniel, who pastored the church for 34 years, led in the prayer.
Pastors and leaders of Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference churches joined their hearts to thank God as Mr John Vincent, the Local Church Executive Committee Chairman of Pasir Panjang Tamil MC, led the congregation down memory lane of 80 years of its church history.
The Church Choir offered an anniversary song item. At the service, four people were baptised and six others were confirmed and received as members of the church. The service was further blessed by the celebration of Eucharist.
Pasir Panjang TMC started as a fellowship of a small group of workers in the former brickworks area in Pasir Panjang. To provide worship service for these workers, a chapel was provided. This chapel for the Tamil workers was dedicated on May 1, 1927.
The Rev S. S. Pakianathan deserves credit for developing this work and the donor and builder of the church was Mr Finlay, the manager of Alexander Brickworks.
The building, which now stands at 85 Wishart Road, was built in 1976. The corner stone was laid by Bishop T. R. Doraisamy on Nov 20, 1976 and dedicated by Bishop Kao Jih Chung on June 4, 1977. In 1987, a second floor was added to the church building.
The church currently has more than 200 members.
Weekly Bible studies and intercessions were high moments in the spiritual life of the church. The Women’s Society of Christian Service, which was launched under Mrs Mary Daniel in 1959, has strengthened the fellowship in the church. The Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF), which started in 1960 under the leadership of Mr J. Shadrak, was later led by Mr T. Jeevananthan. Many of the current leaders in the church had come from the ranks of the MYF.
We thank God for all the servants of God who ministered in the church.
No anniversary celebration ends without a cake and a meal. Indeed the day ended with the cutting of an anniversary cake, followed by the partaking of a sumptuous meal and fellowship.
Isaac Raju is a student at Trinity Theological College and is attached to Pasir Panjang Tamil Methodist Church.
Support our pastors at triathlon
THE REV DR Norman Wong, the Rev Alvin Chan and the Rev Lim Jen Huat will form a relay team to swim, bike
and run at the OSIM Triathlon on July 29 to raise much-needed funds for the Methodist Welfare Services (MWS).
The MWS invites Methodists to show their support for the pastors’ efforts to raise $300,000 to maintain programmes and services for disadvantaged families, children and youth at risk, the elderly sick and homeless persons.
Like our pastors, you too can make a difference to the lives of the needy. Please give what you can. Donation mailers will be available at your respective churches this month.
For more information contact Ms Clara Lick at 6478-4723 or email
Charles Wesley tercentenary: KKMC to host two events
KAMPONG KAPOR Methodist Church will celebrate the 300th anniversary of Charles Wesley’s birth with two events. It will stage a programme, “Sweet Singer – Charles Wesley at 300 (1707-2007)”, at the church on Aug 23 and 24 at 8 pm, and a Hymn Festival, also at the church, on Aug 26 at 8 am and 10 am.
The “Sweet Singer” programme, to be presented by Dr S. T. Kimbrough Jr, offers new and exciting musical settings of some well-known Wesley hymns such as “And can it be that I should gain” and “Love divine, all loves excelling” as well as some lesser known ones.
Discover familiar hymns sung to African, Caribbean and Latin music. Discover also some previously unpublished Wesley hymns.
Free tickets are available by calling the church office at 6293-7997 or emailing
In place of the regular Sunday services on Aug 26 will be the Hymn Festival exploring the message of the Wesleys through their hymns. Some of the hymns are set to musical scores by local Christians like Dr Lim Swee Hong, a lecturer at Trinity Theological College. The service will include congregational singing, solos and choral music.