That is why I can reminisce on my past,
not being ashamed or guilty,
but in quiet humility
and understanding the process of maturity;
because only when I see the contrast
I understand the transforming nature of Christ
no matter how far I had run and fallen, He redeems.
That is why I can bear the scars of hurt,
not from some personal victory,
but in complete surrender
and finding refuge under the wings of the Almighty;
because only when I see the contrast
I understand the transforming nature of Christ
no matter how broken the offering, He heals.
That is why I gladly rejoice in my weaknesses,
not in fear or self-pity,
but in putting aside my pride
and knowing that His grace is sufficient for me;
because only when I see the contrast
I understand the transforming nature of Christ
beyond the limits of my own strength, He empowers.
That is why I boldly approach the throne of grace,
not of being myself ‘holy’
but in growing dependence
and recognizing who He has called me to be;
because only when I see the contrast
I understand the transforming nature of Christ:
He redeems those who had fallen
He heals those who were broken
He empowers those who are weak
In order to then send them out to those in need.
Chye Shu Yi –
is a member of Methodist Church of the Incarnation.