Outreach, Welfare

Core services of Tampines FSC

LIKE all Family Service Centres, Tampines Family Service Centre (FSC) has three core services: Information and Referral, Casework and Counselling and Preventive and Developmental Programmes. The following are some of its programmes:

The Children’s Club was set up for the children in the neighbourhood to enhance their social, physical, emotional and intellectual wellbeing. Activities such as life skills workshops, group work, school holiday camps, excursions and special interest classes are organised at the club which doubles up as a drop-in centre. Free tuition is provided for students from low income families.

• Under the Guidance Programme, Tampines FSC works with the police, first-time youth offenders and their families or caregivers to turn the young people’s lives around. The youth are required to attend counselling sessions and camps and be involved in group work, community service and family activities.

• Support Groups for Stepfamilies and Women create avenues to share their struggles and triumphs, and provide and receive support from people in similar plights.

• Marriage Preparation and Marital Talks are conducted regularly to give individuals and couples a head start in their relationships.

• Mental Health First Aid: Tampines FSC spearheaded the community awareness for the international award-winning programme which equips all with the basic knowledge to help someone who is either developing or is experiencing mental health crisis.

The Methodist Welfare Services needs your support to continue to assist disadvantaged children and families such as those served by Tampines FSC. In the financial year ended March 31, 2007, some 5,500 at-risk children and youth, families, frail elderly, terminally ill and destitute persons were served monthly by the MWS.

