Medical and dental mission teams play an important role in the work of the Methodist Missions Society (MMS). In this story, a mission tripper in one such team shares his experience.
TOGETHER WITH MY FAMILY and six other mission trippers, I flew off to Kathmandu, Nepal from November 25 to December 3 last year. I was excited and apprehensive as it was my first mission trip to Nepal. I prayed that God would speak and reveal His plans for us at Nepal.
Upon touching down and depositing our luggage at Bethel Guest House, we went to Sophia’s Home. We met Grace, the houseparent in charge, and about 30 young girls who were to receive dental treatment. Although all of them came from unfortunate backgrounds, they all impressed me with their good behaviour and love for the Lord. Aged between three and 18, they were warm, friendly and spontaneous, albeit a little shy. When I led them in singing praises to God, I was totally thrilled by the best voices of praise I have ever heard as they sang with much zeal and gusto. We were treated to a sumptuous traditional Nepali meal and their local milk tea which was smooth and nice. I was impressed and blessed by their hospitality. Though they have little, they gave so much from their heart.
We spent two days at the Victory Church in Ilam, running the Dental Camp and sharing the Gospel to the villagers together with the local pastors, leaders and youths. About 50 villagers turned up each day, and all had the opportunity to hear the gospel and were prayed for. I was particularly impressed by the zeal and passion showed by the young Nepali church members. They sang and shared so naturally and fervently. The pastor sent out teams of 10 youths to the villagers to share the Gospel every week. The church, about 50-strong, was already doing church-planting at places far away from their church.
More than the size of the congregation or all the wonderful facilities, it is the faith, love and zeal of the members that are important in a church. Although a simple structure of bamboo and mud, this church shone out ever so brightly for the Lord in the midst of a dark village. They were truly the light of the world for their community.
We also spent a day at Jappa running the Dental Camp and sharing the gospel at the Mahimit Church. About 60 villagers received dental treatment and heard the Gospel.
I was really touched and challenged once again to be a bold and active witness for God to fulfil the Great Commission by our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). I asked the pastors to pray for me to have the zeal and boldness to share the Gospel once again. And I made a covenant with them to pray for them and the churches. I prayed for more churches in Nepal to be planted and established.
For me, my wife and our two teenage children, this had been a spiritually inspiring and fulfilling trip. We intend to go back to Nepal again, especially Ilam, to support the church-planting effort.
Raymond Chow is the Lay Executive Staff in charge of the Sembawang Family Service Centre, Outreach and Social Concern, and Counselling at Covenant Community Methodist Church.
MMS is grateful to God for the medical and dental teams sent from various churches. They have been running medical and dental camps which drew many people to the local churches. At the end of 2012, more than 2000 patients had been ministered to in Bhattedanda (450), Ptlekhet (450), Ilam – Jaharsing Gaun (250), Jhapa – Dhadhare (450), Jhapa – Mahimit Church (200) and Jhapa – Palya (340).
MMS needs many more churches and individuals to partner us in our two-prong strategy of Church Planting and Community Development. We are also in the process of building The Methodist Centre in Nepal to train and equip pastors and leaders. Please contact us at for more information.
By Raymond Chow Methodist Missions Society pictures