
DISCIPLE reaches out to new frontiers

THE year 2002 marks the start of the second decade of the DISCIPLE Bible Study programme in Singapore.

To launch this new stage of DISCIPLE work in the region, the DISCIPLE Agency has launched a promotion offer of “Buy One Set, Get One Set Free” for all DISCIPLE I training VCDs at a standard price of S$80 per set (for all languages). Stocks are limited and this promotion is only valid while stocks last.

The DISCIPLE Agency is now the regional headquarters of DISCIPLE work in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Australia, and starting this year, Myanmar and Cambodia. Its regional task is to co-ordinate training and to provide the necessary operational support to the respective Country Co-ordinators.

DISCIPLE is a programme of disciplined Bible study aimed at developing strong Christian leaders. The title includes both identity and purpose.” It is a programme geared to revive the church in its relationship with the Bible and its mission of equipping and making disciples.

In the Bible, the word “disciple” means a follower, but it is also connected with instruction and learning. The purpose of DISCIPLE can be expressed in the words of Ephesians 4:12: “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.”

For details of the DISCIPLE programme and other related inquiries, contact Ms Chua Sy-Shin at (65) 471-5675 during office hours, Mondays to Fridays, or write to

Moses K. Wong is the Development Manager of The DISCIPLE Agency.

