Expressions, Touch

Discovering God

beauty landscape with sunrise over sea

Discovering God

“The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork”

Psalm 19:1

The glory of the burning sun,
Reflected in the gleaming water;
Declares the majesty of One,
Who is Creator and Sustainer.

The waves in the boundless sea,
Rolling ceaselessly onto the shore;
Declares God’s eternity,
Of time past and forevermore.

The countless stars in space,
Extending into infinity;
Declares God’s wondrous grace,
Reaching out to all humanity.

We behold Your glory, Lord,
In things that we can see;
Help us through Your living Word,
To discern Your love and majesty!

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Leong Kwok Thye is a member of Kampong Kapor Methodist Church.

