I have been a member of Grace Methodist Church (GMC) since 1989. Before then, I had many opportunities to hear about God and salvation from different people of different denominations. By God’s grace, I was eventually led to a small group of Methodists that met in my neighbour’s home. This small group is now one of the Connect Groups of Grace Methodist Church. My family and I joined the group, and we felt welcomed and comfortable in the home setting. After a few months, we started attending GMC services and we are now serving in different ministries at GMC. All glory to God.
One of the things that appealed to me about the Methodist church was the systematic way of doing things. While studying at Oxford, Charles and John Wesley led “The Holy Club”—a group of men who maintained strict rules of Bible study, prayer and good works. Others called them “Methodists” because of their discipline.
This model is similar to how the Intentional Disciplemaking Roadmap adopted by Grace Methodist Church methodically sets out what a true disciple of Christ looks like. I especially see how doing good works and witnessing gels with being a Methodist.