Expressions, Touch


At the cusp of a new year,
I pause at the hallway
lined with many doors.

There is the door
of new beginnings,
departing from the zones
of the familiar,
along uncharted pathways
novel, fortuitous,
with unanticipated pitfalls
leading upland
or down slippery slopes.

There is the door
of new relationship,
enticing, alluring
that could bring
Spring back again,
but its sinuous pathways
are set on the cliff’s edge.

There is the door
where the workshop
of the wordsmith lies
set deep in the enchanted forest
in the canyons of the mind,
where words and images
from the wells of dream and myth
are drawn and forged
with the tools of imagination
into poems.

There is the door
where lies the strait path
of holiness and grace,
which leads
to pastures of peace and joy
and to the eternal kingdom.

And there are other doors.

Which doors should I choose
as I stand at the cusp
of this new year?

Background picture by FotoVika/

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Dr Oliver Seet is a member of Wesley Methodist Church and a Board Director of the Metropolitan YMCA.

