Telugu Methodist Church (Singapore) is committed to share the Gospel and win the Telugu-speaking friends for Christ. Over the last two decades, God has been good to the life and ministry of the church, helping us build the community, and our ministries have grown and taken various shapes in serving many people.
The migrant brothers in the hostels, along with the families from various neighborhoods, make up a beautiful worshipping fabric of the church congregation. In the recent past, the large influx of Telugu-speaking families and expats have paved the way for the church to step out and reach other families in order to embrace them with Christ’s love, subsequently equipping them to serve the Lord with their gifts and talents. The families comprise people with diverse career backgrounds such as in IT, banking, science and technology, engineering, business and marketing, construction, education, medicine and the humanities etc. This rich diversity provides great opportunities both to serve and to tap into the potential to build the worshipping community.
Our church community is a safe place to belong, worship, grow in the Lord and be His witnesses. The church organises regular prayers, Bible study for families and cell groups for brothers to build the community. Disciple Bible Training classes are conducted to equip disciples and sharpen their focus towards spiritual formation. The Sunday school ministry continues to nurture young minds to soar high with God’s Word and enjoy growing in His love.
The ministry among the migrant brothers and friends in need enable us to live out social holiness. During Christmas and other special occasions, goodie bags and the message of God’s love are shared. Whenever the need arises, proper medical care, skills support and counselling services are rendered to the brethren. During public holidays like Chinese New Year, special evangelistic meetings are held. On other occasions, outings, talks and fun events are conducted for the church family and their friends for spiritual edification and bonding.
To cope with the pandemic, the church conducted Zoom prayers to support and strengthen the brothers in the dorms and sisters (foreign domestic workers). COVID-19 awareness talks and kits have been made available for our dorm brothers. The church distributed food to show care and love in action. Every Sunday, the worship services are streamed live on the church’s YouTube channel, especially for our church brothers in the dorms who are unable to attend the services.
During these challenging times, the church remains steadfast in seeking God for opportunities to partner with and sow the seeds of the gospel among the church brethren, establishing them in the faith and fellowship with discipleship as its key component.
A new initiative of the church, “CONNECT”, aims to connect with the church brethren, both local and overseas, to help them discover their potential for ministry and mobilise them for theological education.
If you know of a Telugu-speaking person of family who is looking for a church or in need of pastoral assistance, please contact us.
Telugu Methodist Church (Singapore)
(Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference)
c/o Tamil Methodist Church, 8 Short Street, S(188214)
Telugu Methodist Church Singapore
Our ongoing ministries:
- Sunday worship service: 7 p.m.
- Sunday School: 11 a.m.
- WSCS Prayers: Fridays, 8 p.m.
- Cell groups: Saturdays, 8 p.m.
- Bible Study: every second Friday, 8 p.m.
- Maids Prayer Fellowship: second and fourth Sundays
- Missions Prayer: last Friday of the month, 8 p.m.
The Rev Anil Samuel is the Pastor-in-charge of Telugu Methodist Church (Singapore) / Photos courtesy of Telugu Methodist Church