
Everything you need to know about the Aldersgate experience

Aldersgate Convention 2012 at TA 2: May 24-27


• Thursday, May 24, 7.45 pm: Aldersgate Service
• Friday, May 25, 7.45 pm: Rally 1 – Topic: “Scriptural Holiness – The Sanctifying Spirit”
• Saturday, May 26, 7.45 pm: Rally 2 – Topic: “Th e World is My Parish – The Missionary Spirit”
• Sunday, May 27, 7.30 pm: Aldersgate Hymn Festival
Venue: Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church 2 (TA 2), 61 Wishart Road, off Telok Blangah Road

WHAT WAS THE ALDERSGATE EXPERIENCE? In what way was John Wesley’s heart warmed? Was it as a sinner saved by grace and indwelt by the Holy Spirit? Or was it a Christian soul experiencing a deeper work of the Holy Spirit?

For the answers, come to the Aldersgate Service at Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church 2 (TA 2) on ursday, May 24 at 7.45 pm. TA 2 is at Wishart Road, off Telok Blangah Road. e Rev Duleep Fernando, a former President of The Methodist Church in Sri Lanka, will deliver the sermon entitled “A Heart Strangely Warmed – The Regenerating Spirit”.

The service will kick off Aldersgate Convention 2012, which will go on till May 27. Its theme is “ The Spirit-Filled Life”.

On May 25, the Rev Fernando will address the topic “Scriptural Holiness – The Sanctifying Spirit” at a rally and on May 26, he will speak on the subject “ The World is My Parish – Thee Missionary Spirit” at the second rally. Both the talks will begin at 7.45 pm.

The convention will end with the Aldersgate Hymn Festival on May 27 which will begin at 7.30 pm. In keeping with the theme of the convention, the Hymn Festival will focus on chapters 2, 4 and 5 of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. Reflections on “ The Giver of Life”, “ The Indwelling of the Spirit” and “ The Unity of the Spirit” will be highlighted at the festival.

The Rev Fernando’s sermon will also discuss the work of the Holy Spirit, the results of the Spirit’s work at conversion, the assurance of salvation through the Holy Spirit, true repentance through the Spirit bringing about a change of lifestyle, and the Spirit’s help in the believer submitting to the Lordship of Christ.

On the subject of “Scriptural Holiness – e Sanctifying Spirit” to be expounded at the first rally on May 25, the speaker will discuss the subject of holiness. He will define what holiness is and talk about the Holy Spirit’s help in crucifying the self so that sin does not reign in us.

He will also talk about the goal of Christian perfection; producing and growing the fruit of the Holy Spirit, bearing the fruit of both character and service; the need for social holiness for there to be authentic holiness; and the work of the Spirit in transforming believers to the image of Christ.

On the topic of “ The World is My Parish – The Missionary Spirit”, the Rev Fernando will tell of John Wesley’s vision of evangelising the world, discuss the visions and dreams people see when the Spirit comes, and highlight the call to every Christian to be a witness.

He believes the Holy Spirit anoints and equips the people for mission.

“A church that is not a missionary church contradicts itself and quenches the spirit,” he says.

“The Holy Spirit empowers the word that is preached, prepares people to hear it, convicts them of sin, enlightens the blind and gives life to the dead.

“The Holy Spirit helps us to discover new ways of communicating the Gospel to this generation and empowers the church with His gifts to strengthen its witness.

“He reveals the holistic nature of Christian witness. People must hear the Gospel and see it in action. They must declare Christ as King and also establish His kingdom of righteousness and justice. e Spirit makes people sensitive to human need and guides them to find entry points for communicating the Gospel.’’

By Peter Teo

