Happenings, News

Fathers are special people

FATHERS are special. They are the role models our sons emulate and sad is the child whose father is not around in his tender years.

My sons have been blessed with a very good father. I thank God for my husband as he truly loves and cares so much for our children. He tries to come home early for dinner with us and always makes it a point to schedule any business travel so as to minimise disruptions to our children’s routines.

He helped me bathe them when they were babies because I was rather hope-less at handling them at that age. He was also the one who usually carried them or pushed the pram while they were young.

Nowadays, he will read the Bible with our younger son, Timothy, before he goes to bed. This is followed by some fun reading and then we have a family prayer. I praise the Lord for providing our sons with a father who is willing to opt for a simpler lifestyle and who was agreeable when I wanted to stop working. We trust God to provide for all our needs and He has never failed us.

Our children grow up too fast. The funny thing about boys is that they are mummy’s best friends when they are very young and then suddenly, at the age of 10 or 11, they do not want to be seen with me on their way to school.

One day, my son can be holding my hand and the next day, he is walking way ahead of me so that he arrives at the school gates well before me. I believe that at this time our sons need their fathers most.

They start noticing the differences in male and female roles. They have to learn how to protect their loved ones, how to fix problems in the house, especially where lights, handphones, printers and computers are concerned, and generally, how to be the heads of their own future households, after the lordship of Jesus Christ. They can only do so through in-teraction with their fathers or a surrogate father figure.

It is very important that fathers spend time with their sons. My husband intro-duced Timothy to the wonders of fresh water aquarium fish when he decided to keep fish as a hobby. Fathers can do the following activities with their sons: swim, cycle, play badminton or chess, go shopping, read, make a pizza or perhaps, watch a good movie and so on. Our sons need to learn how to be men and God has provided them the natural role models in their father.

My father passed away recently. What he did for me during a very low period of my life was something I will always remember and treasure. He walked with me one day from City Hall Station to South Bridge Road and through some streets of Chinatown, in the hot sun, without asking me any question. He did that for me at the age of 70. I truly understood unconditional love in human terms that day.

The Lord gave me a poem which I wish to dedicate to my father who is now reunited with my mum in the arms of our Lord.

Ng Ai Boon worships at Barker Road Methodist Church.

NOTE: Father’s Day this year falls on June 21.


Second TRAC Hope seminar on Aug 1

THE second of the three Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) HOPE Fairs organised in response to the current economic downturn will be held at Pentecost Methodist Church in District East on Aug 1, 2009. HOPE is “Helping Our People: A Faith Response to the Economic Recession.”

The third Fair will be held at Paya Lebar Methodist Church in District Central on Oct 17, 2009.

The first Fair was held at Faith Methodist Church in District West on May 9.

Job matching will be a parallel function at the Fairs. There will also be counselling sessions.

Prayer groups from TRAC and churches will pray for the Fairs. A room will also be set aside for them to pray with the visitors who are in need of prayer.

A temporary website for event and registration has been set up and linked to the TRAC website, www.TRAC-MCS.org.sg

At the TRAC Executive Board Retreat on March 6, TRAC was challenged to do something meaningful that would have impact on its members and the community. The series of Fairs was in response to the query on what the church would be doing to help those in need during this time of economic crisis.


The gift of eternity
Psalm 30:11,12

The skies light up,
The distant thunder rolls,
In my sanctuary I observe
God at work.

His masterpiece of sky,
A backdrop of magnifi cence,
His creation waiting
For the passing of another saint,
Who will join His choir of angels
Praising His Name.

Yes, my Master places the last stroke
And the canvas of another life is complete,
Because His purpose has been fulfi lled,
So He calls him home,
Another weary, broken body,
To receive his reward,
The gift of transformation,
The gift of eternity.

Thank You Lord.

