PASTOR Chan Wah Teck, who passed away on June 6, 2003 at the age of 94, was born on May 26, 1909.
Although he did not attend theological college, but felt deeply called to preach the Gospel, he must surely qualify as the “Grand Old Man” of Bedok Methodist Church.
He was first placed in charge of gospel work in the Bedok area by the Rev Chew Hock Hin in 1946 and continued to lead that church until he retired from its leadership in 1982. Even then, he continued to preach until physical impairment prevented him from doing so.
The present church complex in Bedok is a development from a simple chapel that was completed at the end of 1952, four years after its inauguration. Seating a mere 150, it was extended in 1973, and enlarged at the end of 1978.
An education building (named in Pastor Chan’s honour) constructed just before he retired, together with a recently completed rebuilding programme, reflect something of Pastor Chan’s leadership in the remarkable growth of Bedok Methodist Church.
Pastor Chan is fondly remembered for his mastery of the language. He preached in a simple, clear and inspirational manner that emphasised the quality of Christian living and sharing the Gospel to those who have yet to know the Lord.