News, Touch

Finding, flourishing and finishing

HCMC celebrates its 23rd anniversary

Fun fact: Holy Covenant Methodist Church (HCMC) is both 23 years old and 57 years old! (Find out why below)

Holy Covenant Methodist Church (HCMC) officially became a local conference on 1 Jan 1997. But its history is intertwined with the rich legacy of Telok Ayer Methodist Church, having had its beginnings three decades earlier in 1963 as the Telok Blangah Preaching Point set up by Telok Ayer. Since then, HCMC has grown in average attendance from the humble 10 worshippers to the current 200 or so across its three worship services in Mandarin, English and Hokkien.

HCMC does not have its own church building and since 2004, we have been worshipping in the auditorium of the Fairfield Methodist Secondary School at Dover Road.

Over the years, God has used different ministries in different times to spur the growth of the church. Three of these are worthy of mention: Grace Fellowship, Ruth Home ministry and Enyue Fellowship.

Grace Fellowship was started in 2006 and still ongoing as a ministry to reach out to Chinese nationals, especially postgraduate students and young professionals from China.

Ruth Home ministry (2013–18) reached out to Chinese-speaking nurses and nursing students by offering them subsidised rental in Ruth Home Hostel. This ministry really served the needs of the nurses in its time and brought many to the Lord.

In 2017, Enyue Fellowship was started to reach out to Malaysians working or studying in Singapore. This has led to a steady growth in Malaysian young adults worshipping with us.

We understand our presence in the school as a unique privilege to partner and support the school and we are always seeking for opportunities to do so. Some of our church members have helped out in Day of Grace follow up sessions, as mentors for Famchamps camp and as parents supporting at-risk students.

This year, we are excited for two launches: our first run of the Happiness Group (幸福小组), and a cell group among NUS Chinese students. Both are evangelistic in nature.

We are currently in the final year of a three-year church theme:

2018: Finding Your Place

2019: Flourishing in Your Place

2020: Finishing in Your Place

HCMC enjoys a special unity across the three language services with once a month combined Holy Communion services. Please pray for us to have greater partnership with the school and for the growth that God desires for us.


(Chinese Annual Conference)

Fairfied Methodist Secondary School, Auditorium, 102 Dover Road S(139649)



Online Service [Sundays]: 9.00 a.m. for both English and Chinese

Please check our website and Facebook page ( for post-circuit breaker service updates)

The Rev Edmund Koh Lik Hng is the Pastor-in-charge of HCMC./ Photos courtesy of HCMC

