THE first group of people going for the inaugural Methodist Heritage Tour on March 4 are requested to assemble at 8.45 am near the John Wesley statue in front of Barker Road Methodist Church within the ACS (Barker Road) Campus.
Bishop Dr Robert Solomon will launch the tour with a short address and a prayer before the tour coach leaves Methodist Centre at 9 am.
The tour, in celebration of the 120th Anniversary of The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS), will be conducted by Amity International Travel Pte Ltd, whose managing director is Mr Tan Khey Cheow. Mr Tan, a Singapore Tourism Board licensed tour guide, is the Lay Leader and a Local Preacher of Changi Methodist Church.
The Methodist Heritage Tour is one of the four major projects planned to commemorate the founding of the MCS in February 1885. The other three are Aldersgate Convention 2005, the publication of a “Faith-Sharing New Testament with Psalms”, and the launch of a DVD highlighting the life and mission of the MCS.
Starting out from Methodist Centre, the half-day coach tour will wind its way through the old Colonial district near the Singapore River, Victoria Theatre, Coleman Street and the surrounding areas where most of the earliest Methodist churches, schools and institutions were, with some still around today. There will be opportunities to visit or stop by some of these buildings and sites which have been sanctioned by the Singapore Government as historic monuments or heritage sites.
More tours, which are being made affordable and kept reasonably compact, will be conducted throughout the year. The price: $14 per adult, $10 for students under 18 years old.
There will be separate tours for the English-speaking and Chinese-speaking groups. Depending on demand, they can be run twice a month or even on a weekly basis, on Saturdays or on a week day.
Mr Tan said: “As long as there is a group of about 30 people, we can conduct a tour. To make things easier, I would encourage churches, schools and other organisations to call us for block bookings of 30 people.”
The tours need not have to start from Methodist Centre. Groups can start out from their churches, schools or agencies.
Said Mr Tan: “It may make more sense for church members, for example, to meet at their church grounds, and our coach will pick them up from there to set out for the tour.”
For bookings, please contact Mr Tan at tel: 6334-6939 (office) or 9619-4958 (mobile phone), or email: