Happenings, News

From 2 teachers and 27 girls to 86 teachers and 2,140 pupils


Schools2-Oct 2004

“Unless the Lord builds the house, the labourers labour in vain.” — Psalm 127:1.

OUR hearts rejoice as we look back on how our Heavenly Father has so graciously sustained and showered His blessings upon us for the past 80 years. We started out as Geylang Methodist Girls’ School in 1924 when we were a small school consisting of two teachers and an enrolment of 27 girls. Today, we are blessed with 86 teachers, close to 2,140 pupils and many wonderful supporters from our community. We have much to be thankful for and to celebrate!

Our 80th Anniversary Musical was held on July 16 and 17, 2004. Entitled “The Promised Land”, the Musical featured our pupils displaying their talents in singing, dancing and performing. The story told how the people of Israel were led to the Promised Land and unfolded our school’s journey from 1924 to the present day.

We thank God for His favour and for the positive feedback we received from all who attended the Musical, a culmination of more than six months of hard work by teachers and pupils.

Our new school building was dedicated by Bishop Dr Robert Solomon, who spoke from Psalm 127: 1, reminding us that God guards and protects all His beloved and exhorting us to continue looking up to Him for all that we do.

Judy Lee is the Vice-Principal of Geylang Methodist Primary School.

