
Gearing up youths to be anchored

“GEARED TO THE TIMES, ANCHORED TO THE ROCK!” has been the guiding motto of Singapore Youth for Christ, an organisation committed to reaching out to young people for Christ. is motto has also shaped my philosophy of ministry, particularly when it comes to discipling youths.

Being “geared to the times” means that we must be very aware that the youths we are trying to reach are very different from those we were once. (I was particularly tickled by a musical band in my church who called themselves “ The Young Once!”)

Not only must we be aware that they are different, we must make every effort to learn about their environment and culture in order to be effective and relevant. Perhaps one reason why some youth ministries are losing youths is that they are not geared sufficiently to the times.

Another reason, which is more serious, is the lack of being “anchored to the Rock!” Youth ministry thus becomes a “youth club” with fun activities, constantly trying very hard to plan for the next programme or sermon that hopes to entertain better than the previous one. In the process, we may have forgotten that our end goal is to bring each youth in an encounter with the living Presence of God. Being “geared to the times” means that we understand our present youths belong to the “sight-and-sound” generation, and their way of being “anchored to the Rock” is not just about getting them to agree to a set of doctrines but to help them experience God in a tangible way. Not just in the music, lights and videos of the worship services but also “out there” where they can see God at work among the lost, poor and needy.

“Geared to the times, Anchored to the Rock!” It is not an “either-or”. One is the means, the other is the end. Our method can change and must change, but our message should not.

Many of our Methodist youths are second, third or even fourth-generation Christians. ey have hopefully had high exposure to Christian beliefs, but may not necessarily be developed in the Christian faith. (Judges 2:7, 10 should serve as a good warning.) Often, they have been over-fed but under-challenged!

How then do we help them develop their faith to accept and live out the Word of God for themselves, much like the first-generation Christians? Do we provide them the facilities, environment and permission to worship and serve in a manner that is “geared to the times”? Do we create opportunities for them to go forth, especially in the area of missions, and pose challenges big enough for them to seek God’s destiny over their minute earthly ambitions?

Deuteronomy 6:4-7 tells us that we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our strength, and to impress these commands on our children when we are sitting at home or walking along the road, when we are lying down and when we are getting up. In other words, not only are we to provide the facilities, environment and opportunities, we are also called to be role models for the next generation.

I want to encourage adults to be involved in the young people’s lives, not just as role models but as mentors as well. Go on mission trips with them. Parents, go with your children when they are young. By our lives, we show them what it means to be “geared to the times” but still “anchored to the Rock”, that our God is still as relevant and more importantly, real in this post-modern world!

David Ho is a pastor of Christ Methodist Church and an Assistant Youth Director of Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC).

