Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” (John 5:8)
On the morning of 30 March 2019, students and teachers of the 15 Methodist schools made their way to the campus of ACS (Independent) for the ninth edition of the biennial MethodistWalk. Organised by the Methodist Schools’ Foundation (MSF) in aid of the Methodist schools, the Walk has become a regular feature in the life of the Methodist family.
A few months before each Walk, students are given pledge cards to raise money that goes to supplement their own school’s building needs or enrichment programmes. MSF helps to organise the fund-raising and gather everyone for the Walk, during which the students fulfil their pledges by walking a pre-determined route around the vicinity of the hosting school.
In the pre-dawn hours of this year’s Walk, thunderclouds hovered ominously over most of Singapore. In the end the rain prevailed, but did not dampen the spirits and enthusiasm of the more than 4,500 participants who made their way to ACS (Independent).
Though the walk aspect of the morning had to be cancelled, the students and teachers gathered in the school auditorium for a short session of prayer and praise to God. Bishop Dr Chong Chin Chung shared on the theme “Get Up and Walk”, taken from John 5:8. Mr Ong Ye Kung, the guest of honour and Minister for Education and Second Minister for Defence, gave an impromptu speech. He praised both the diversity of cultures among our Methodist schools and their unity as part of the Methodist family. Likening this to the various cultures and races within Singapore, Mr Ong encouraged the students to stay united as a Singaporean family, whatever differences might separate them.
The morning’s activities rounded off with refreshments for students and staff, and a breakfast reception for invited guests and church members.
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! That’s exactly what my students taught me at the MethodistWalk when they turned up in full force despite the rain! Kudos to them!”
—Ms Caroline Heng, educator at ACS (International)
“Despite its early morning start, my fellow church members and I look forward to the MethodistWalk as a significant event in the Methodist calendar… Seeing fellow Methodists from other churches gather for a shared activity reminds us that we are part of the larger Body of Christ, and the infectious energy of the students inspires us to renew our efforts in ministry to our community!”
—Ms Grace Toh, member of Kampong Kapor MC and regular attendee of MethodistWalk
Marcia Vanderstraaten is general pen-pusher at both the Methodist Schools’ Foundation (MSF) and the MCS Education Secretariat. She sometimes writes plays. / Photos courtesy of MCS Communications