When I was 10 years old, my aunt invited me to church, and that was where I had a personal encounter with Jesus. The moment I stepped into Sunday school, I experienced a touch of the Holy Spirit. I could not stop crying. The choir sang, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong. We are weak but he is strong!”
I had grown up in a broken family. Up till that moment in my life, nobody had ever told me that I mattered. That day, God took away my shame and purposelessness, and gave me Himself. In that “prodigal son” moment, I was no longer fatherless; God became my father!
Having experienced the reality of God the Father’s love, I felt Him calling me to love and serve the young people—to be a conduit through which others could experience the love of the Father. Over the years, I have had the privilege of journeying with many young people. My proudest moment as an educator was when I received a Teachers’ Day card from a boy who had lost his father. He had written: “Thank you for being like a father to me.”
I had a mentor whose son had come home with an ear piercing. He told his son calmly, “I disagree with your decision because I do not think it is good for you. But I want you to know your actions will never change the fact that you are my son, and that I will always love and accept you.” The son eventually removed the ear piercing, and the experience strengthened their relationship.
I learnt there is a difference between acceptance and agreement. Our children will make mistakes, and if they understand that their father’s acceptance is unconditional, they will experience home as the safe harbour they can always turn to.
I began my journey as a father with Psalm 121:2: “My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.” I believe that fathering is about constantly imitating God the Father and appropriating His grace and love in our lives. As I acknowledge my need for Christ, I have found the grace of God at work in my life, my marriage, my children, my work and the ministry.
John Wu, Peter Tan and Tan Gee Paw will be sharing about their fatherhood journey at “Passing on a Godly Legacy”, the inaugural One MCS webinar.
17 Oct 2020 (Saturday), 9 to 11 a.m.
www.methodist.org.sg/MethodistFathers (for more information)
https://tinyurl.com/MethodistFathers (to sign up)
9171-4984 (David Ang, Event Chairman, CAC Board of Family Life Chairman)
John Wu is no stranger to the work of impacting young lives, and has been working relentlessly in mentoring and transforming youths as an educator in schools over the last 15 years. He has also served as a youth leader in his church for the last 20 years. He is married and has two lovely children, aged 10 and 12.