‘When we have understood how far-reaching the meaning of “Emmanuel” is, it will remind us of God’s stupendous miracle of God becoming man to dwell amongst His people.’
EMMANUEL, “God with us”. It is indeed an apt name for our Conference as it serves as a daily reminder that without Him we are a people without the spiritual leader of all.
Through the Holy Spirit, Christ is present in the life of every believer. This is God’s promise to us. When we have understood how far-reaching the meaning of “Emmanuel” is, it will remind us of God’s stupendous miracle of God becoming man to dwell amongst His people.
Isaiah had prophesied: “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” [Isaiah 7:14]. This prophesy was fulfilled when Christ was born – God came to be with us – His creation.
Someone has said, “God did not send Christ to us; God came to us in Christ.”
God’s promise to be with His people is repeated time and again in the Scriptures. The entire passage of Psalm 23 is a classic example of God’s assurance that He is with us in all situations. Perhaps this is a reason why this Psalm has been and still is a favourite amongst believers as it spells of assurance and hope of God’s protection.
Similarly, “I will never leave you never forsake you.” God promises His servant, Joshua who is tasked to lead the people of Israel to the land of Canaan. (Duet 31:6).
In Matthew’s Gospel Jesus promised His disciples saying, “Lo, I am with you always to the very end of age.” These promises declare to us God’s love for His creation from the very beginning of time.
God‘s love for mankind compelled Him to come to us in His Son Jesus Christ, the Emmanuel who lives right within us as His Holy Spirit – God within us.
It is recorded that when John Wesley lay dying [1791], he rose from his sleep, opened his eyes and exclaimed, “The best of all is, God is with us!” Then he closed his eyes and died. It appears that John Wesley’s motivation as to why he strove to have a close and intimate relationship with God is the knowledge and assurance of God’s presence both in life and death.
“Emmanuel”, God’s presence with us, continues into eternity – that was John Wesley’s great joy and shall be ours too.
Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference (ETAC) has much to accomplish within its local churches and the community that each church serves. The ministry potentials are great and many. The opportunities to serve are plenty. God sees our needs and is supplying for them accordingly. Though the journey may be tough and challenging, we thank God that He is our strength and our portion. Indeed the greatest blessing is that God is with us, today and in all our tomorrows.
The Rev James Nagulan is President of Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference.
Faith kept tennis star Arthur Ashe going …
ARTHUR ASHE, the legendary Wimbledon player, was dying of Aids which he got due to infected blood he received during a heart surgery in 1983.
From all over the world, he received letters from his fans, one of which said: “Why does God have to select you for such a bad disease?”
To this Ashe replied: “The world over – 50 million children start playing tennis, 5 million learn to play tennis, 500,000 learn professional tennis, 50,000 come to the circuit, 5,000 reach the Grand Slam, 50 reach Wimbledon, four to the semi-final, two to the finals … when I was holding a cup I never asked God ‘Why me?’.
And today in pain I should not be asking God ‘Why me?’
Happiness keeps you Sweet
Trials keep you Strong
Sorrow keeps you Human
Failure keeps you Humble and
Success keeps you Glowing,
but only Faith and
Attitude keep you going …