
Good news for GCO staff at Town Hall

Colossians 3:23 exhorts us to view our work as service to God rather than human supervisors; however, this does not preclude us encouraging and affirming one another in the Lord’s work. In fact, much of the book of Acts describes acts of encouragement to the believers, often in the form of personal visits and words, which empowered the growth of the nascent church.

Thus, the presence of Mr Goh Geck Teck, Chairman of the Finance and Administration Council (FAC) of The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS), and Mr Issac Asirvatham, Chairman of the Committee on Human Resource Management under the FAC, at the 24 July Town Hall meeting for the MCS’ General Conference Office staff was a source of encouragement – not least because they brought news of assurance and affirmation for staff.

Having initiated the Good Ideas scheme at the previous Town Hall meeting to provide staff a platform for feedback and suggestions, they were true to their word, presenting the inaugural award to the Communications Department for submitting a number of good ideas.

Both chairmen went on to demonstrate their commitment to staff welfare by encouraging staff to seek skills development, and updating them about the completed salary structure review. The refreshed structure would soon be implemented through an updated performance appraisal process, and individual letters were distributed informing staff of their updated pay grade and the salary increment given for the new financial year (starting August). The quantum of mid-year bonus was also announced, matching that declared by the Singapore Government.

The meeting closed with lunch, affording the chairmen opportunities to personally meet and encourage staff members, who contribute much to the behind-the-scenes work of the MCS headquarters.

