
Happy Mother’s Day!

TODAY, I remember my mother who loved my siblings and me so unconditionally that we miss her so much. She died in 2002 and for five years after her death, my father, siblings and I, and our families would visit her niche at the Garden of Remembrance on or near the date of her death anniversary.

However, we did not do it last year. When I think of my mother, I cannot picture her as ashes in a tiny urn in a niche in the crematorium. To me, she is larger than life and I see her in my everyday life. I can never forget my last glimpse of her in her flat; it remains a perpetual memory in my mind.

Every year, I would buy my parents flowers for Chinese New Year. This year, my dad is in a nursing home and he does not really appreciate flowers, so, I bought an orchid plant with a stalk of purple buds for myself, in remembrance of my mum. My mother loved her orchids.

Today, that orchid plant is still blooming in the tiny balcony of my flat.

I see it every day and think of my mum. Happy Mother’s Day, dear mum, I love you and still miss you.

I have written a poem, and I wish to encourage all mothers to carry on loving their children despite the difficulty of their situations. Mothers mean a lot to children and whatever they do for their children lives on forever in the hearts of these young people who will grow up to be mothers and fathers themselves.

The greatest gift is the gift of love (1 Corinthians 13:13). Wishing all mothers a Happy Mother’s Day. God bless you.



A tribute to all mothers

In memory of my mother, Chia Meow Cheng

WHO am I before the Lord?
What does He want of me?
Where does He want me to go?
Who am I before the Lord?

He bids me to be still and wait,
He bids me to meditate upon His Word.
He bids me to put on His armour,
He bids me to wait for His timing.

Who am I before the Lord?
What does He want of me?
Where will He send me to serve?
Who am I before the Lord?

He anoints me with His cleansing oil,
He fi lls me with His Holy Spirit,
He empowers me with His glorious might,
He bids me walk in obedience.

In fame or in drudgery,
In health or in sickness,
In plenty or in want,
In fun or in sadness,
In life or in death,
He bids me walk in obedience.

I set my Lord before my eyes,
Trusting Him at His Word,
I will embrace the joy and sorrow
Which comes with this diffi cult task
called Motherhood.
I will bear godly children,
For the Kingdom of Heaven.
I will train godly soldiers,
For Armageddon!
Thank You Lord.

(References: Malachi 2:15, Psalm 127:3-5, Isaiah 50:7).

Ng Ai Boon worships at Barker Road Methodist Church.

NOTE: Mother’s Day this year falls on May 10.


HOPE for those hit by recession

TRINITY ANNUIAL CONFERENCE (TRAC) is organising a series of “Recession Fairs” as its way of helping people affected by the recession.

Three churches, each representing one of the districts in the East, West and Central, will take turns to host the Fair, named HOPE – Helping Our People:

A Faith Response to the Economic Recession.

HOPE’s first target is TRAC members who are hit by the recession and second, the rest of the community in each district.

The Fair will deal with the core aspects of legal considerations (educational “advice”), financial and debt management issues, counselling and prayer. The format of the Fairs may vary but the core issues they respond to will be the same.

Faith Methodist Church in District West will hold the first Fair at its premises at Commonwealth Drive on May 9 from 10 am to 4.30 pm.

The Rev Dr Wee Boon Hup, President of TRAC, said as the country is now in the midst of a recession, many have been asking what TRAC is going to do in response to the situation.

He said that at a TRAC Executive Board Retreat in March, “we decided to run a series of ‘Recession Fairs’ as our way of helping people who are affected by the crisis”.

Publicity for the other Fairs will be sent to churches in due course.

