Sixteen years ago, Madam Jessie Ee (pic above, seated) found herself all alone at age 74 when her husband passed away unexpectedly. She had to stay on her own for several months until her niece introduced her to St. John’s Home for Elderly Persons.
Over the past 60 years, St. John’s Home has been providing hundreds of needy elderly persons like Madam Ee shelter, comfort, professional care, and most of all, a home that has become a community of fellow seniors ageing gracefully.
Methodists have for a long time been caring for the vulnerable elderly, including supporting the mission of St. John’s Home. The many Methodist supporters include Mr and Mrs Tan Boon Chiang, Mrs Checha Davis, and Mr David Alexander Ong, to name but a few. The General Conference Women’s Society of Christian Service (GC WSCS) is a faithful supporter, and others in the Methodist community have also volunteered at the Home.
The Home’s General Manager, Mr Goh Beng Hoe, is a Methodist and so are four members of the Board.
The Home is facing its biggest challenge to date—the lease on the land that St. John’s Home currently occupies has expired, and it urgently needs to be rebuilt on a smaller plot of land.
The new five-storey building will cost $14 million to build. By God’s grace, we have so far raised $7.5 million. Construction will start in August this year, and we need to raise the remaining $4.5 million before its completion.
By August 2018, residents like Madam Ee may not have a roof over their heads. Thus, we appeal to your generosity to either donate towards the Home’s Name-a-Room Campaign or give an outright donation to the building fund.
Together, we can provide a refuge at St. John’s Home for the elderly and needy who have need of one.
By St John’s Home for the Elderly Persons
Thank you for your gift to the elderly and needy.
For more information, please contact Mr Alvin Ching.
Tel: 6285 4446
Address: 69 Wan Tho Avenue Singapore 347601
Photos and artist’s impression courtesy of St. John’s Home for Elderly Persons