IN ITS attempt to address the growing national concern over addiction, the Methodist Welfare Services (MWS) will be organising “A Christian’s Response to Addiction” conference in June.
This two-day conference aims to help Christians get a better grasp of the various types of addiction that afflict Christians and non-Christians alike.
It will be held at Mrs Lee Choon Guan Concert Hall, ACS (Barker Road) Campus on June 23 and 24. The fee for the two-day conference is $110 per person. The fee for the June 23 session from 8.30 am to 5 pm is $70 per person, while that for the June 24 session from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm is $40 per person.
The programme offers guidelines for those who are helping people with addiction problems as well as their families.
A workshop on positive parenting approaches has also been included to promote wholesome family relationships between parents and children. This would help lessen the pull of children towards various types of addiction.
This conference is useful for pastors, lay leaders, Christian social workers and counsellors and others interested in issues concerning the different types of addiction.
The topics to be covered include:
◆ Addiction: A holistic perspective,
◆ Trends of addiction in Singapore: Afflictions that plague the young and the grown-ups, ◆ The church, the gambler and his family,
◆ Substance abuse and youths in Singapore,
◆ The family’s web in problem gambling,
◆ Addictive behaviours: When addiction comes to church,
◆ Christian spirituality and addiction: helping those affected to connect with God, and
◆ Good parenting practices.
The keynote speakers are Bishop Dr Robert Solomon and Dr Munidasa Winslow, Head & Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, Community Addiction Management Programme (CAMP), Institute of Mental Health.
The workshop speakers are the Rev Dr Edward Job, President of Christian Care Services (Singapore) & One Hope Centre; Mr Sam Kuna, Executive Director of Teen Challenge (Singapore); Mr Benny Bong, Family and Marriage Therapist, FamilyWorks Pte Ltd; Mr Tony Ting, President of the Association of Professional Substance Abuse and Counsellor, Wesley Counselling Services; Mr Joachim Lee, Director of Tampines Family Service Centre; Ms Jade Teo, Senior Psychologist, Methodist Children and Youth Centre; and Ms Quek Li Koon, Senior Social Worker, Methodist Children and Youth Centre.
In his synopsis on the topic, “Addiction: A holistic perspective”, Bishop Dr Solomon said:
“A human being is a combination of body, mind and spirit and is designed to function in a holistic and wholesome way.
“Each aspect of a person’s functioning affects other aspects. In addiction, the body, mind and spirit interact to imprison the person’s life in a life of bondage.
“Taking care of the spiritual dimension will go a long way in helping a person to find freedom and to live a life of health, wholeness and holiness.
“Finding meaning and love in relationship with God and others often forms the foundation for healing, recovery and freedom. We shall explore how this works out in real life.”
For more details, please contact Ms Pamela Teo at tel: 6478-4716 (DID) or email:
Charity movie, flag day to raise funds for MWS
THE Methodist Welfare Services (MWS) will be holding two fund-raising events in the next three months. They are the MWS Charity Movie on April 1 and the MWS Flag Day on May 27.
May the Lord burden your heart to partner the MWS as it strives to provide quality services to address prevailing social needs, touch lives and advance a compassionate and caring community.
The MWS is partnering Shaw Organisation in the sale of charity movie tickets to “Ice Age 2 – The Meltdown”. The show will be screened at Shaw Organisation Cinemas, Balestier Plaza, on April 1 at 5 pm Tickets are available at $75 per pair.
Funds raised will be used to help the 3,500 people served by the MWS’ 13 service centres located throughout Singapore.
These centres care for the sick, the frail, the elderly, the destitute, the poor, children, youth-at-risk and disadvantaged families. The MWS provides care, shelter and support to restore some quality of life to the less privileged in the community.
You can lend a hand to help the disadvantaged by purchasing the charity movie tickets. Please contact Ms Clara Lick at tel: 6478-4723 or email to purchase your tickets.
Volunteers needed to sell flags
The MWS hopes to raise $100,000 through street collections on its Flag Day on May 27.
Join the MWS as it hits the streets to appeal to the public for donations on that day. Your efforts will make a great difference to the lives of the disadvantaged served by the MWS’ 13 service hubs.
Those interested in volunteering to help sell flags can contact Ms Clara Lick at tel: 6478-4723 or email