THIS year’s Aldersgate Service and the three evening talks will be held at the Centre for Performing Arts, ACS (Independent), at 121 Dover Road at 7.45 pm each evening.
To help those going to these events, here are the directions to the venue. The Centre for Performing Arts (CPA) is located at Block E within ACS (Independent).
Those attending may arrive by car or by public transport.
Public transport: On the evening of the Aldersgate Service (May 24, 2007), a shuttle bus will pick up guests from the Dover MRT on Commonwealth Avenue West opposite the Singapore Polytechnic, at the following times: 7, 7.15, 7.30 and 7.40 pm. See map at right.
Guests coming by the shuttle bus will alight at the ACS (I) clock tower and walk straight across to the CPA, which is situated on the 3rd level of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Building in Block E. Guides from the Boys’ Brigade (BB) will be available to direct guests.
The bus shuttle service will not be available after the Aldersgate Service.
Shuttles will also not be available for the three evening talks.
Private car: Drivers should proceed to 121, Dover Road.
There are car park lots on the campus at locations A, B, C, D, E, F and G (see map above). Guests may alight at the clock tower before parking.
BB Boys and posters will be available at strategic locations around the campus to direct you to the CPA.
In addition to campus parking, drivers may also park along Dover Drive leading to the ITE campus.
Those coming by car or are parking their cars at any of the perimeter car parks will need to take the lift or the stairs from the lower levels to the 3rd floor.