
How do working parents cope?


Aldersgate SG 2018 will see an active social advocate step up to share an intimate glimpse into her “secret weapons” of coping as a “working mother in a busy world”.

Ms Denise Phua is no stranger to many Singaporeans, being a Member of Parliament for Jalan Besar Group Representation Constituency, and Mayor, Central Singapore District. But she is best known for her advocacy and volunteerism, particularly in the area of special needs.

Ms Phua supervises two charities – Autism Resource Centre (Singapore) and Autism Association (Singapore), and two special schools – Pathlight School (which she co-founded) and Eden School. She helped start The Purple Parade, an annual parade to support inclusion and showcase abilities of persons with special needs; and The Purple Symphony, an inclusive orchestra.

Prior to her current portfolio, she acquired more than 20 years of local and overseas corporate management experience with Hewlett-Packard and the Wuthelam Group as well as founded the Centre for Effective Leadership (Asia). She gave up her corporate career in 2005 to become a full-time special needs volunteer, before being approached to join politics in 2006.

Methodist Message asked Ms Phua to give us a hint of what she will be sharing as one of three keynote speakers at the Aldersgate Lecture and Panel Discussion on 24 May 2018.

Ms Denise Phua: “As a parent of a special-needs son, wife, parliamentarian, and disability advocate, I learnt very early on that it is grossly insufficient to rely on sheer human grit and strength to juggle my different roles. The open secret to my ability to survive – and sometimes thrive – in what I do is my relationship with God.”

“At the Aldersgate Lecture, I will be sharing the highlights of my faith journey, from my corporate days to serving in the special-needs sector, and my initially reluctant but eventual move to politics. I will also share some practical tips from my toolkit of life that I have assembled, especially through the challenges and moments of doubts I confronted.”

“The Lord has wonderfully made every one of us, and each of us is precious in the sight of God, regardless of our ability, form, and background. He knows exactly which ‘button’ to push, to fulfil the potential He has granted to each of us.”

“I believe God wants us not only to survive or succeed in this world – He wants us to be significant in His Kingdom, in whatever role we might play in life.”

“See you at Aldersgate SG 2018!”

20 May 2018 | 5.00 P.M.

Aldersgate Sunday Celebration

Speaker: Bishop Emeritus Dr Wee Boon Hup

24 May 2018 | 7.45 P.M.

Aldersgate Lecture & Panel Discussion

Speaker: Bishop Emeritus Dr Wee Boon Hup ∙ Ms Denise Phua ∙ Mr Jason Wong

Registration opens later this month – stay tuned for details in MM Apr 2018!

