I remember distinctly the day I became a Christian. It was while I was reading the Bible as a teenager during family prayers. I was so overwhelmed with God’s love for me that tears rolled down my face as I read. While the rest of the family thought I was crying about something else, my mother understood what I was going through and prayed for me. I was so overjoyed knowing that God loves me as I am and that I would have a place in his plan. God’s love has sustained me in all my falls and his grace has guided me whenever I turn to him in submission.
I serve in various capacities at the local church, at ETAC and the General Conference. Although I felt I had very few capabilities to share, God has blessed every initiative and every effort, and taught me to be patient for his time and his ways whenever circumstances were challenging. Even as I start this day thanking God for his protection, providence and promises, I am reminded of his all- encompassing love that I had experienced as a teenager. My heart is moved and I still tear up, but now, more than ever, I have an even greater understanding of God’s love