Features, Touch, Worship

In your Kingdom Lord

In response to the issue of racism and protests in North America, Lim Swee Hong, who is a member of Wesley Methodist Church and was a lecturer at Trinity Theological College from 2006–10, wrote this song to “remind us about the essence of our faith at a time when society privileges the ‘well-to-do’—particularly those who are in the majority, and have access to power, wealth and fame”.1 Although it was written in the context of North America, where Swee Hong is based, the issue is germane to Asia as well.

Embracing those who are different from us is a fundamental teaching from our Lord. Swee Hong explains further: “We as God’s people need to be aware and return to living out the teaching of our Lord about loving God with our heart, mind, soul and strength and loving our neighbours (which I define as those who are different from us). This is the way in which our worship becomes acceptable to God; only then can we experience God’s kingdom breaking into this world.”2

The song describes God’s kingdom as a place where there is justice and peace, love and unity. But it raises doubt whether this kingdom is one that we can experience in our present time. The second stanza alludes to Isaiah 11:6 with the imagery of the wolf feasting with the lamb. This is a familiar verse but needs us to grasp its implication to our daily living.  The wolf and lamb imagery is followed by the phrase, “In your kingdom Lord, love is the seal to all who call you Lord”. Putting these two together—unless we who love the Lord live the seal we carry, there will be no feasting of the wolf and the lamb.

The song concludes with a prayer for strength that we might have hope. The prayer in the song hopes for the kingdom of God to come soon!

This is an appropriate song to include in our Advent repertoire. Advent is a season of waiting. We know that. But what do we do while we wait?


In Your Kingdom Lord

In your kingdom Lord there is justice and peace.
in your kingdom Lord there is love.

In your kingdom Lord one need not be rich,
to be welcomed to your feast


Can your kingdom really be present in our time

Where hate and fear prevail?
Can your kingdom really be where evil has no place

And everyone feels safe.

In your kingdom Lord
the wolf and the lamb shall feast together as friends.

In your kingdom Lord
Love is the seal that marks all who call you Lord.

May your kingdom come O God.
Strengthen your people with hope
May your kingdom come O God.
Justice and peace to prevail.

Words and music: Lim Swee Hong

Judith Laoyan-Mosomos is the Director for Worship and Church Music at the Methodist School of Music, and a member of Kampong Kapor Methodist Church.


1 Email to writer, 5 Sep 2020. The third line of the song was originally “one need not be white”. To suit the Asian context, the phrase was changed to “one need not be privileged”. However, the word privileged has three syllables to one note and creates an awkward inflection. “One need not be rich” was the better choice.

2 Ibid.

