
Intentional discipleship

Christ Methodist Church (CMC) was born, back in 1930, as the Geylang English Methodist Church. In August this year, we will celebrate 90 years of God’s faithfulness. Over the years, CMC has gone through many changes—such as our name, location and building—but our passion for God remains the same.

In 2004, the call to Intentional Discipleship was emphasised and five Biblical Purposes (Worship, Connect, Grow, Serve and Reach Out) became part of our culture. We aspire to be an inter-generational family of believers whose purpose is to love and worship God passionately, care for one another deeply and serve the community wholeheartedly; reaching out to the lost, the poor and those in need by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In 2018, we dove into a three-year focus to Go Deeper—in His Presence, His Word and His Mission. After focusing on transforming our inner lives for two years, 2020 is the year for us to be a Church in Christian Action. This means being deliberate in looking outwards to the community, and to be the salt and light that God calls us to be.

We began with initiatives to get to know the community of Chai Chee. In December 2019, we distributed hampers to those living in rental flats, and in January this year we hosted a Chinese New Year dinner for them. Our plans came to a halt due to COVID-19, but this pause has given us the chance to look at other ways to be the Church wherever we are. Our pastor-in-charge, the Rev Dr Edwin Wong, reminds us that when the physical Church cannot meet, the spiritual Church must rise up.

There is no better time to live out our vision statement: “Passionate for God, Loving the Community”. How can we be the Church in our homes and community? How can we bless our neighbours and those who have been affected by the pandemic?

As we celebrate 90 years in these unprecedented times, we look back with thanksgiving, and look forward with expectancy to see what else God has in store—for the Church exists for such a time as this.


(Trinity Annual Conference)

597 East Coast Rd, S(429082)


Please visit our website for our worship service timings.

Credit: Netania Pereira is the Communications Executive at Christ Methodist Church. / Photos courtesy of Christ Methodist Church


