WESLEY Guys & Gals, a singles ministry at Wesley Methodist Church, has raised $15,000 from a jog for Living Hope
Methodist Church and the Methodist Schools’ Foundation.
About 70 people, whose ages range from six to 60, turned up at Boat Quay on Oct 25, 2003 to take part. It was a
family outing for some who came with their spouses and children.
The jog was flagged off by the Rev Lilian Ang, a pastor of Wesley MC, after a short prayer and some stretching
Some “serious” runners came to challenge the Rev Lim Jen Huat, a veteran marathon runner, who romped home
first with Mr Ting Yong Han in 14 min 52 sec. The first woman to complete the jog was Ms Nana Kong in 16 min 28 sec.