PRINCIPALS AND TEACHERS from 19 Methodist kindergartens and pre-schools in Singapore attended the QRS (Quality Rating Scale) Methodist Sharing held at The Capstone Kindergarten on May 28, 2011.
The event was organised by Mrs Elsie Yee, Principal of Faith Kindergarten, to encourage the teachers to embark on the learning journey towards greater excellence in the holistic development of children.
During the sharing session, Mrs Ava Wang, Principal of Bedok Methodist Church Kindergarten, and her teachers shared on the strategies they prepared for their participation in the accreditation exercise. They had interactive and engaging activities embedded in their curriculum.
Miss Mabel Wee, Education Secretary of the Methodist Church in Singapore, facilitated the Q&A session. e panel consisted of QRS trainers, Mrs Lee Siew Choo and Mrs Elsie Lim, and two principals, Ms Jessica Chong of The Capstone Kindergarten, and Mrs Ava Wang. They answered questions pertaining to lesson plans, implementation and challenges with staffing, and stress at work.
It was an insightful sharing session and all the Methodist kindergartens benefited from it. They learnt how the accreditation process would spur improvements in structures and processes and raise the quality of their education programmes and overall administration.
At the end of the sharing, there was greater interest in the accreditation exercise and some kindergartens requested for another session.
Jessica Chong is the Principal of The Capstone Kindergarten.