Happenings, News

Kum Yan MC to have new building by October 2006

KUM YAN Methodist Church at 1 Queen Street will have a new building housing its sanctuary at its existing site. Expected to be ready by October 2006, it will be built at a cost of about $6 million. Construction work has started, and church members are now worshipping at the former premises of Catholic High School next door. The new seven-storey building will be linked to the existing annexe.

A ground-breaking ceremony was held at the church on May 8, 2005. Bishop Dr Robert Solomon officiated at the ceremony. With him were the Rev Khoo Cheng Hoot, President of the Chinese Annual Conference, the Rev David Koh Ah Chye, the Pastor-in-Charge, pastors, leaders and members from the Cantonese, Mandarin, English, Youth and Children congregations, and worshippers from Woodlands Care Point, Kum Yan’s preaching point.

They were just as excited as the first group of Kum Yan members who witnessed the ground-breaking ceremony on Feb 3,1957 for the original church building. The church was built at a cost of $240,000 through the sacrificial giving of church members and the generosity of friends and well-wishers.

After 46 years, the church’s membership and ministries have increased. The current design and layout of the sanctuary and annexe cannot meet the needs of today.

Kum Yan Methodist Church has to stay relevant to the changing landscape as well as to the new communities of people who have moved into this educational belt cum arts and civic district.

As a church, Kum Yan’s vision is to be a caring community, a home and a lighthouse in the city, bringing hope and purpose to all peoples of all ages through a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.

In appealing to church members, friends and well-wishers for funds for the new building, Kum Yan again believes that God will help it meet its financial needs. Donors are requested to send their contributions to Kum Yan Methodist Church, 8 Queen Street, Singapore 188535.

Lam Siong Yeng is a ministry staff at Kum Yan Methodist Church.

