Happenings, News

Letter from Mrs Elizabeth Lundy Thank you, dear Singapore friends

Mrs Lundy…She said that their lives have
been enriched by the years spent in
Malaysia and Singapore. – Methodist Church
Archives picture, taken in August 1966.

MRS ELIZABETH LUNDY, widow of Bishop Robert F. Lundy, has written a letter to her friends in Singapore expressing her deep appreciation for their love and concern since her husband’s death last January (see Obituary in Methodist Message, March 2003, page 15).

In her letter from her Waynesville home in North Carolina, the US, she wrote: “I have been overwhelmed by the messages through letters, email, cards and telephone calls which have come from you.

“All of you have shown in so many ways your love and appreciation for Bob.

“He felt like a brother among you. His time with you was very meaningful for him. He always prayed for the Church in Malaysia and Singapore, and kept informed about news concerning the Church and the country.”
Mrs Lundy sent her letter, accompanying another to Bishop Dr Robert Solomon, and requested him to share her feelings with her “Dear Singapore Friends” through Methodist Message.

She wrote: “Our lives have been enriched by the years spent with the people of that area. Our children grew up in your country – our daughter was born in Kuala Lumpur.

“We claim two countries as ‘home’ – Malaysia/Singapore and the United States!”

Mrs Lundy and her husband had been married for 59 years in June of last year, and she said he was a caring and loving husband and father, and grandfather.

“We are so grateful for his life with us – and for our time with you,” she concluded.

