
Loving Singapore through action

“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.” 1Timothy 2:1-2.

“LOVE SINGAPORE 40 DAYS OF PRAYER” is an inter-church event held in Kum Yan Methodist Church (KYMC) from July 1 to Aug 9 this year. During this period, 200 to 300 people would come to KYMC each morning between 6.30 and 8.30 am to pray.

They prayed for Singaporean Christians and also the people of Singapore. They gave thanks for our nation and prayed for our government and leaders – that they would be upright, righteous, wise and humble in their service to the people of Singapore. ey also prayed for good health for our leaders and their families.

I was immensely encouraged by these Christians’ expressions of their love for Singapore. Each year during this period of National Day observance, the National Council of Churches of Singapore would also organise combined praise and thanksgiving gatherings to pray for blessings for the church and nation.

Like all Singaporeans, it is natural for Singaporean Christians to love our nation. We abide by its laws, sing the national anthem, say our pledge, salute our flag, pay our taxes, serve in National Service, vote during elections, and win glory for Singapore in international competitions. Many Christians are actively engaged in building and governing our country as civil servants, Members of Parliament, and even government ministers. In so doing we, like our fellow nationals, are fulfilling our role and responsibilities as Singaporean citizens.

“Many Christians are actively engaged in building and governing our country as civil servants, Members of Parliament, and even government ministers. In so doing we, like our fellow nationals, are fulfilling our role and responsibilities as Singaporean citizens.”

Our Lord is the Creator of this earth and all that is on it, and the Bible makes no distinction between the sacred and secular in God’s creation. Like all inhabitants of this planet, we form social communities with others and cope with our share of basic daily needs. Our general well-being as people of a country is very much determined by the quality of our government and its administration.

On our part it is imperative that we, as citizens of Singapore, show concern for affairs of our nation and our society.

Many of John Wesley’s writings, diaries, sermons and journals addressed in practical terms the social issues of his time. ese included the growing population, the prospering cities, the declining villages, the need for jobs for the people, land reform, agriculture, fishery, tax reform, the concentration of wealth and its uneven distribution, the love of luxury, fine clothing and money, smuggling, etc. Wesley and his associates made very significant contributions to the social causes of his day such as battling poverty and alcoholism.

Singaporean Christians join our fellow countrymen in celebrating, and in expressing our love for our nation in this month of National Day observance. We will also show our love by praying for the Lord’s blessings for Singapore, being aware of social evils and injustice and acting to combat them, and joining in efforts to support the poor and weak.

On the 47th birthday of our nation, the Republic of Singapore, we offer it our best wishes: May our nation be strong and prosperous, and our people be blessed!

The Rev Dr Chong Chin Chung is the President of the Chinese Annual Conference.



Integrity, honesty more valuable than money

THE BLOG TITLE reads “Moron turns in $140,000”.

The title refers to the news story that broke. Eli Estrada, a 40-year-old Palm Beach, Florida resident, found a bag containing US$140,000 (S$175,000) in unmarked US$20 bills.

Mr Estrada certainly could have used the money. Six months ago, he opened a landscaping and artifi cial-grass business and is in debt; his child support payments are tough to make; and he supports his mother, who moved in with him recently after she lost her house to a fumbled refinancing plan. Yet Mr Estrada went straight to the police and turned in all US$140,000.

Apparently an armoured truck somehow lost the money. The armoured truck company rewarded Mr Estrada for his good deed by giving him US$2,000. So now, was Mr Estrada really a “moron”? Only if one views such values as honesty, integrity and the “golden rule” as foolish. But what about the cheap reward that was offered? Some on this blog said that if they knew the reward for turning in the money would have been so small, they would have kept the bag of money.

But do we have to be financially rewarded for doing the right thing? Are our values so degraded that we feel we deserve a reward for doing what we are supposed to do?

A moron? Hardly. Here is a man who has demonstrated that he had sufficient intelligence to know that some things are more valuable than money – things like integrity, honesty and doing the right thing. Thank you, Mr Estrada, for your example. May your tribe increase! – KneEmail.

Steve Higginbotham contributes to KneEmail, a Christian resource organisation.

