News, Touch

LWMC – The church with an inter-generational focus

Living Waters Methodist Church (LWMC) was planted on Easter Sunday, 12 April 1998 as a preaching point at Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) by Barker Road Methodist Church, in partnership with Wesley Methodist Church and Aldersgate Methodist Church. The common vision was to establish a vibrant peaching point that would minister to staff, students, boarders and their families in ACS (I), as well as those in the neighboring educational institutions and residences. We became the 18th Local Conference of Trinity Annual Conference on Easter Sunday, 20 April 2003.

The heart of our church life is found in the emphasis on being an inter-generational church. As a church ministering to people of all ages, we promote the values of being the “Family of God”, passing on the values of faith, love, wisdom, hospitality and worship by learning to emulate the relationships between Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the Trinity.

As an inter-generational church, we also recognise that relationships undergird all religious experiences. Thus, it is important to encourage worshippers to build relationships and to recognise the diverse gifts that people of all ages have. This can be experienced during worship services and on special Inter-Generational (IG) Sundays, where the pastors and worship leaders guide the congregation to worship, participate and learn by embracing the practices and aims of a Common Rule.

One example is what we do weekly at prayer time – when our worship leaders patiently guide the inter-generational congregation to pray according to certain patterns and enabling all to respond simply in obedience and service to others. Another example is when we gather in mixed-age small groups on certain IG Sundays, to participate in community-building activities.

Our church’s vision is to become, in increasing measure, an oasis of worship and spiritual renewal, a place of nurture, compassion and care, and a community of growing disciples committed to mission, witness and service. Our motto is “To Know and Proclaim Jesus Christ – the Way, The Truth and the Life”.

Our weekly 10 a.m. English worship service has an average attendance of 275. We also provide Mandarin translation for a group of Chinese-speaking regulars. About 80 per cent of the congregation stay back after worship services for small group meetings. These groups are known as Pastoral Care Groups. We have in total 14 adult groups, two youth groups and five children’s groups.

Our Pastor-in-Charge, the Rev Aaron Tay, was appointed to LWMC on 1 Aug 2011 and is well-loved by members. His personal vision for LWMC is to re-energise the church to the point that we are truly God’s light, shining for Him and pointing others to the Cross.

It is also the Rev Tay’s desire for the church to rediscover the fact that we are not just a church using a school’s premises, but that we are actually the church for the school. Conversely, he hopes for the school to realise that there is a church here – a place where they can receive not only resources and help from the pastoral team but also help from the larger Church for issues pertaining to life and faith.

Finally, it is our mission to shine for God in the Dover community and to the nearby educational institutions and estates with the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ with all the resources that God has blessed us with.


Living Waters Methodist Church (Trinity Annual Conference)

Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), 121 Dover Road, Singapore 139650

Sunday Service:

10 a.m. Inter-generational English Service

Contact us:


Tel: 6873-1590



Photos courtesy of Living Waters Methodist Church



Julie Ong –

is the Associate Lay Leader and a local preacher at Living Waters Methodist Church.




We continue our series of profiling local churches from our three Annual Conferences of The Methodist Church in Singapore. As we come to have a better understanding of each other’s history and ministry, we may discover more opportunities to forge cross-church partnerships and collaborations.


