Jesus commanded us to “make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:19). To do so, we must first become disciples ourselves. After all, Jesus did not call us believers, nor did He call us Christians—instead, He called us disciples. “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples.” (John 8:31)
The mission of Disciple Agency (DA) is to build the Body of Christ through the promotion and development of the DISCIPLE Bible Study and other related programmes. This Bible study has been a tremendous blessing from God to East and Southeast Asia, with many thousands having gone through the course. We have a pool of dedicated volunteer-trainers who conduct training, share the ethos of DISCIPLE, and help churches and groups to fulfil Jesus’ commission.
DA’s ministry has also expanded beyond Singapore’s shores, with trainers making disciples in Australia, East Malaysia, West Malaysia, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
496 Upper Bukit Timah Road, #04-20 John Wesley Centre S(678099)
By the Disciple Agency Team
Pauline Wong is married with four children and has been worshipping at Wesley MC since 2012. She is currently doing DISCIPLE 2.
After worship service one Sunday in 2014, I noticed a table at the church atrium with information on the DISCIPLE programme. I browsed through the information and signed up because I wanted to become more disciplined in my Bible reading.
Initially, I was overwhelmed by the length of the programme and the amount I had to read. But over time, God made me realise that He was speaking to me through the readings and class discussions. The hard work soon turned into a desire to hear God speak to me as I unravelled the stories in the Bible and their meaning for me.
Prior to embarking on DISCIPLE, I found it difficult to understand some of the books in the Bible, especially those in the Old Testament. In DISCIPLE, the Scriptures came alive and the God-breathed became words so relevant to me. I began to relish the times I spent preparing for class. As I grew in knowledge of the Word and in fellowship with the other participants, I came to a deeper conviction that God loves me despite my wilful and disobedient nature, and He is ever so present in my life.
The Word of God speaks to each of us differently, and we respect the various views of different classmates, but the facilitators guide us clearly on the doctrines of our faith. I have been inspired by many who have given so much of themselves to this programme. Their commitment and perseverance to DISCIPLE are indeed a blessing to me and many others in our walk with God.
After completing DISCIPLE 1, I continued with another module. I was then asked if I would become a facilitator, which I prayerfully decided to do. I wanted others to encounter God as I had and be transformed in ways that only the Saviour can enable.
Catherine Ong grew up in Klang, Malaysia. She moved to Singapore for work and became a member of Wesley MC, where she currently serves in the DISCIPLE ministry.
I grew up in a bilingual Presbyterian Church located in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. After living and working in a few other countries, a new job led me to Singapore in March 2014. I started attending Wesley MC and began DISCIPLE.
I liked that it was a 34-week study that called for structured daily reading, with a weekly small group setting for discussions. It was helpful that the study drew on the work of biblical scholars to aid me in my understanding of the Word. I particularly liked how DISCIPLE calls us to submit ourselves to examination by God’s Word and to be changed by it.
To be frank, I struggled! But reading the Word of God regularly and meditating on it have definitely helped in my walk with God, and to trust Him for every aspect of my life.
My class was extremely diverse. It was wonderful to be part of a group of individuals who, in spite of our different paths, shared a similar desire to pursue a more personal walk with God. We managed to go beyond our differences and learn to encourage one another in our own seasons’ journeys with Him.
Later on, I was approached to facilitate a DISCIPLE class. I wasn’t entirely confident I was capable to do that, but God impressed upon my heart to rely on Him. I decided to step out in faith as an act of obedience, and I hope that others will benefit from DISCIPLE too.
The DISCIPLE Bible Study series comprises four different modules:
DISCIPLE I (also known as DISCIPLE Red): BECOMING DISCIPLES THROUGH BIBLE STUDY is a 34-week chronological study that covers 70 to 80 per cent of the Bible, with an equal emphasis on the Old and the New Testaments. It is the foundation for the other three DISCIPLE studies. Groups meet for about two hours each week, and as participants examine the 34 marks of discipleship, they become committed to living as disciples.
DISCIPLE II (Green): INTO THE WORD INTO THE WORLD is a 32-week in-depth study of Genesis, Exodus, Luke and Acts that builds on what was learnt in DISCIPLE I. Two emphases are the Sabbath, and putting what is learnt in the study to work in the world.
DISCIPLE III (Purple): REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE is a 32-week in-depth study of the Prophets and the Letters of Paul, focusing on the connection between remembering and identity as the people of God. The themes are the call to remember; the call to repentance; the need for renewed vision; and the places of community.
DISCIPLE IV (Gold): UNDER THE TREE OF LIFE is a 32-week in-depth study of Old Testament Writings, the Gospel of John, the Epistles of John, James, Jude and Revelation. This DISCIPLE programme presents the sense of living toward completion—toward the climax of the message and the promise, extravagantly pictured in the book of Revelation.
Photos courtesy of Disciple Agency