Methodist Church of the Incarnation (MCI) celebrated the Official Opening of its $4.5m Extension Project with a Thanksgiving Service on 19 July 2015. Mr Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Health and Member of Parliament for Chua Chu Kang GRC, planted a Terminalia Mantaly Tricolor tree to mark the occasion, and Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup prayed that the symbolic act would serve to remind us of the rootedness of our faith in Jesus Christ who was raised as a carpenter and crucified on a tree.
The tree also symbolises its life-giving nature and provision of shade to the community. In all, let this tree reflect the significant milestone of MCI in its God-given vision of ‘Enlarging God’s Tent’ by sharing Christ’s love with the community and world.
Our guests at the opening included Mr Edmund E, Vice-President of Trinity Annual Conference, and representatives from the community and social agencies in Chua Chu Kang Constituency. The Celebration Service was held at the new JPG Hall – Joy, Praise and Glory Hall (cf. Jeremiah 33:9).
Speaking as Pastor-in-Charge, I emphasised during the service that the key purpose of the project was to praise God for His love and share Christ’s love with the community and the world. Reflecting the vision of worship based on Psalm 117:1, worshippers from five nations offered prayers for their countries, interspersed with Korean and Vietnamese worship songs.
MCI appreciates your prayers as we seek to fulfil our Vision 2018: “Growing Christian Disciples who renew their worship to the Almighty God and share Christ’s Love with the community and world.”
The Rev Derrick Lau is Pastor-in-Charge of Methodist Church of the Incarnation.