
MCS 125: Our call to prayer

AS WE CELEBRATE THE 125TH ANNIVERSARY of The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS), we remember with grateful hearts God’s goodness and faithfulness and we give Thanks to Him for His bountiful blessings on His Church. We want to commit the MCS to Almighty God as we continue to seek His guidance and will.


• Our Bishop Dr Robert Solomon and the three Annual Conference Presidents, the Rev Dr Chong Chin Chung (CAC), the Rev James Nagulan (ETAC), and the Rev Dr Wee Boon Hup (TRAC), as they provide spiritual leadership to the MCS.

• Our Pastors as they lead the local churches and shepherd the flocks.

• God’s blessings on the Wesleyan Hymn Festival on May 18 and 19 and the125th Anniversary Thanksgiving and Aldersgate Service on May 22.

• God’s guidance as we unite in carrying out His Mission for His glory.

• The Executive Director and staff of the Methodist Welfare Services as they coordinate our outreach to the chronically poor with this year’s 125th Anniversary Outreach Programme in particular, and the community in general.

• The Executive Director and staff of the Methodist Missions Society as they share God’s Word and plant churches in the neighbouring countries.

• The Executive Director and staff of the DISCIPLE Agency as they share teaching resources and train disciples.

• The Principals and teachers of our Methodist Schools and Kindergartens as they educate and nurture the students and young children in the Ways of the Lord.

• God’s blessing and protection on our families in our churches.

