Coming Up

MCS 135 launch

The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS) was established with the founding of Wesley Methodist Church in 1885. As Wesley MC celebrates her 135th anniversary on 16 Feb 2020, it is fitting that this date also marks the official launch of MCS 135.

On this special day, hear Bishop Dr Chong Chin Chung share what it means to love God and serve together at a special Launch Service at Wesley MC. A video recording of his sermon will be shown at all the services at all Methodist Churches on the same day.

The MCS 135 launch is the culmination of many months of planning as we come together as Methodists to celebrate our 135th anniversary. The Methodist Church in Singapore has grown to become a church with more than 40,000 members. We have made many contributions in education, missions, social service and nation building. My hope is for all Methodists to feel proud to be part of The MCS and to celebrate this event with joy. As we unite to love God and serve together, we can truly be a blessing to Singapore and beyond.

Col (Ret) Quek Koh Eng, Chairman, MCS 135 Organising Committee

[vc_cta h2=”The Methodist Church in Singapore turns 135!”]We want to hear your MCS 135 stories!

How has your Methodist church / school / agency / organisation / cell group etc. been a part of your life? How have they celebrated MCS’s birthday? We want to hear from you! Send us your stories / photos / events at

6478-4786 (WhatsApp)

Tag your social medial posts with #mcs135[/us_cta]

