Happenings, News

MCS well represented at mission conference

Members of the Singapore delegation: They responded favourably to the Fourth World Federation
of Chinese Methodist Churches Mission Conference. – Methodist Message picture by TAN WEE PIN,
a member of the MM Editorial Board and Editor of the CAC News.

THE Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS) was well represented at a mission conference in Penang from June 4 to 8, 2002 with more than 60 delegates representing local churches of the Chinese Annual Conference.

The Fourth World Federation of Chinese Methodist Churches (WFCMC) Mission Conference at the spacious City Bayview Hotel drew 658 people from 12 countries, from Singapore to America.

The theme, “Watching over one another in love”, was emphasised from the opening communion service at Penang’s historic Chinese Methodist Church to the closing service where everyone united in a mission declaration. Fellowship and unity were important themes.

This year’s keynote speaker, Dr Philip Siew of the Malaysia Theological Seminary spoke on such texts as Psalm 133: “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity.” He stressed the importance of being united in mission.

Speaking on Paul as a missionary who preached the foolishness of Christ (1 Corinthians 1:18), Dr Lo Lung-kwong of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, led the daily Bible study on Romans and 1 Corinthians. The Equatorial Hotel was the venue for the opening banquet with honoured guests, including Penang Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon, and Bishop Emeritus Denis Dutton of Malaysia, who is now the Geneva Secretary of the World Methodist Council. Tan Sri Dr Koh praised the Methodists for their work.

Individuals and groups from the various countries shared musical and other talents, including Singapore pastors, the Rev Daniel Lee of Grace Methodist Church, and the Rev Koh Keok Nguang of Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church.

The WFCMC holds a mission conference every five years. Previous conferences were held in Malaysia, Taiwan and Singapore. The WFCMC functions through six task forces on the following areas: 1) Christian Education; 2) Worship; 3) Resource; 4) Mission/ Evangelism; 5) Theological Education/Chinese Mission Foundation; and 6) Special Foundation.

Its future plans include a Chinese translation of John Wesley’s Works, establishing its websites and responding to mission needs in such countries as Myanmar and Cambodia.

Bishop Emeritus Wong Kiam Thau of the MCS, was especially impressed by the theme and dynamic “emphasis on the Word of God”.

The Rev Tan-Yeo Lay Suan of Bukit Panjang Methodist Church, said: “I especially enjoyed the devotion time,” but added that she hoped the next conference might go deeper. While it was good to meet old friends, she said, “we need to get beyond the polite talk”, and delve deeper into issues in missions.

The Rev George Martzen, Minister Attached to the Bishop’s Office at The Methodist Church in Singapore, covered the Fourth World Federation of Chinese Methodist Churches (WFCMC) Mission Conference for Methodist Message.

