NEW YORK – For 40 years, a building across the avenue from the United Nations headquarters in New York has stood as a witness to Christian support for efforts in international diplomacy to advance the causes of peace, human rights, development and ecology.
Called the Church Centre for the United Nations, the United Methodist-owned building at 777 UN Plaza provides 12 floors of office and meeting space for religious and other non-governmental organisations concerned with UN issues and is a focal point for their activities.
A 40th anniversary celebration was held on Nov 10, 2003.
The vision for the centre originated with the Methodists, and it was built by the Methodist Board of Christian Social Concerns (now the United Methodist Board of Church and Society) with financial support from the Methodist Women’s Division. In 1984, the Women’s Division, United Methodist Board of Global Ministries, assumed ownership and full responsibility for its operation.
United Methodist Women put up US$500,000 just for the land, a corner lot at an ideal central location providing a direct view of the UN’s General Assembly and Secretariat buildings.
From the beginning, the building was a church centre, not a Methodist one, and it has served as a place where the needs of the world community were addressed ecumenically.
There, United Methodists join forces with Quakers, Presbyterians, Seventh-Day Adventists, Lutherans and other denominations. – United Methodist News Service.