“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” (Ps 136:1)
On 19 Oct 2018, the Methodist School of Cambodia (MSC) celebrated its 20th Anniversary.
MSC first started in 1996 with a class of 15 kindergarten children under the leadership of the late Rev Dr Clarence Lim, then MMS’s Director of Missions. Two years later, the school received its licence from the Cambodian government.
God has blessed the school with continuing growth since our humble beginning. Over the years, hundreds of Cambodian children have benefitted from and received holistic education through MSC, and have gone on to bless society. Today, we have two campuses, 37 classes, 974 students (K–12) and 81 staff.
MSC’s progress has also been made possible because of the commitment and zeal of the pioneering team of missionaries: Kevin Lowe, Claire Lowe, Annabella Lim, Susan Lim, Carol Loh and Tan Li Diang. Their example and servant leadership laid a strong foundation for the school.
During the 20th Anniversary celebration, Bishop Dr Chong Chin Chung presented Honorary Awards to our missionaries Carol Loh, Tan Li Diang and Carol Ong. Special mention was made of Vimala Devi and Doris Chan, missionaries who taught and provided leadership in MSC for many years. As a testimony of their love and sacrifice, many of their ex-students paid tribute to the beloved teachers.
Bishop Dr Chong encouraged MSC staff to stay true to our calling in education, reminding us of God’s injunction in Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” He shared about his personal encounters with teachers and pastors who believed in each child’s intrinsic value and the teacher’s immense influence in steering the course of a child’s life.
Ms Sophan Bopha, an MSC alumna, shared how her life had been touched by her teachers. As a student, Bopha was a beneficiary of MMS’ Student Sponsorship Scheme (SSS) and served the school as head prefect. Her leadership skills were further honed through serving in the Girls’ Brigade. Today, she is studying at a local university while pursuing her dream of being a positive influence for Christ in the marketplace as an entrepreneur.
Recognising the challenges that lie ahead, MSC seeks to be true to its founding mission to provide excellent education with sound biblical values. The demand for quality and accessible education is growing exponentially in Cambodia. While the country progresses, many children continue to be marginalised due to inequity. The SSS offers these children the opportunity of a good education in a safe environment. We are also thankful for the many donors from our Methodist churches in Singapore who are helping our children complete their high school education.
If you sense God calling you to serve in MSC, do get in touch with us. We need teachers, administrators, engineers, healthcare workers and IT specialists. Be a part of our team to touch young lives and bring hope through education.
Low Wee Teck is the Principal of the Methodist School of Cambodia (MSC). He is serving in Cambodia as a missionary with The Methodist Missions Society (MMS). His home church is Aldersgate Methodist Church.
Photos courtesy of The Methodist Missions Society