THE Methodist Schools’ Foundation (MSF) distributed $150,000 last year to various Methodist schools to help in their PRIME programmes and purchase personal computers, audio-visual equipment and library books.
This is an initial distribution, and more funds will be disbursed to the schools in future.
The $150,000 was distributed to six schools:
Geylang Methodist Primary School — $50,000
Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ Secondary School — $50,000
Anglo-Chinese Junior College — $20,000
Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road) — $10,000
Fairfield Methodist Primary School — $10,000
St Francis Methodist School — $10,000
The MSF is embarking on an ambitious MethodistWalk002 on Feb 23 to raise more funds for our 14 Methodist schools. The Education Minister, Rear-Admiral (NS) Teo Chee Hean, will flag off the walk at ACJC at 8am.
The MSF hopes to raise $3million from the walk.
The eight-km route is in the Dover Road area where four Methodist schools are located — ACS (Independent), ACJC, Fairfield Methodist Primary School and Fairfield Methodist Secondary School.
Donation cards have been distributed to all school children since the opening of the 2002 school year. The MSF is appealing to parents of children in our Methodist schools to support and encourage their children to raise as much funds as possible.
The MSF also hopes to see church members and their children participating in the walk and helping to make MethodistWalk002 a benchmark for the Methodist spirit of co-operation and support.
Ronald Chan is a member of the Committee of Management of the Methodist Schools’ Foundation.