Coming Up

MethodistWalk 2021

Pre-Walk launch on Saturday 30 Jan 2021 at Anglo-Chinese Junior College

The MethodistWalk is a biennial fundraising activity organised by the Methodist Schools’ Foundation (MSF), on behalf of the Methodist schools in Singapore. Traditionally, on the last Saturday in March every two years, student representatives from all 15 Methodist schools gather together with teachers, family members and supporters from the Methodist churches, to walk together and raise money for the individual needs of their schools.

Each student would also have a pledge card with which they could seek donations from family and friends. Due to safe-distancing regulations amid the ongoing pandemic, MethodistWalk 2021 will be conducted in a different format.

We held our pre-walk launch on Saturday, 30 January 2021 with the Guest of Honour Mr Lawrence Wong, Minister for Education at Anglo-Chinese Junior College.

For fundraising, instead of a pledge card, MSF has set up a campaign page for each school on the fundraising platform, For the physical component of the Walk, instead of gathering together with other schools at the end of March, each school will be embarking on its own distance-based goal.

MethodistWalk 2021 will end on 29 March 2021 and the donations will close on 31 March 2021.

Please donate at

or scan the QR code

