IN “MISSIONS”, a “CAN” refers to a “Creative Access Nation”.
Some nations do NOT permit entry to Christian missionaries. But Christ has commanded us to take the Gospel to every nation – even the “closed” ones. So we must think of creative ways to gain access to these nations. That is why we call them CANS – “Creative Access Nations”. If we are not permitted to preach God’s Word, the least we can do is to share God’s love in practical ways.
And that is exactly what the Methodist Missions Society (MMS) has been doing under the able leadership of the Rev Dr Clarence Lim, my predecessor, in Vietnam for the past nine years. We approached the government authorities in the name of Christ – in the name of The Methodist Church in Singapore and offered them our assistance to help some of their disadvantaged children.
Thus far, we are helping them run, in Ho Chi Minh City:
(i) The Love Child Charity Clinic – for children from poor families,
(ii) The “15 May School” – for street children, and
(iii) The Children’s Cancer Ward – Hope Paediatric Oncology Ward.
In March, I visited these three ministries and was impressed by the quality of care being given to the children. I would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who have given so much in the past to help the needy children in Vietnam.
I have a problem. As you may know, the MMS has no money of its own – we depend on the gifts of our Methodist churches and individual Methodist members. At present, (I think, partly because there is no church planting work in Vietnam) none of our Methodist churches gives specifically and consistently to support the ministry in Vietnam. The bulk of our support has come from individuals.
We are currently reviewing our support for the financial year 2006/2007. Ten Singapore dollars a month will give one child in Vietnam the opportunity of breaking out of the poverty trap. Our role at the MMS is to ensure that your money is wisely spent and benefits the child directly. We do not deduct anything for our administrative overhead costs. Kindly consider supporting a child for at least one month (S$10) in Vietnam.
Our Vietnam Country Coordinator, Dr Simon Chong, and our man on the ground in Vietnam, Mr Albert Low, both dedicated MMS volunteers, will help us direct your gifts to one of the three children’s charities mentioned above, unless you specify one of them.
‘Ten Singapore dollars a month will give one child in Vietnam the opportunity of breaking out of the poverty trap.’
Please make your cheque payable to “The Methodist Church in Singapore (MMS)” and mail it to 70 Barker Road #06-01 The Methodist Centre, Singapore 309936.
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress ….” James 1:27
The Rev Dr Norman Wong is the MMS Executive Director.