Missions, Outreach

MMS gets commendation certificate from Vietnamese Government

THE Methodist Missions Society (MMS) was one of eight non-governmental organisations (NGOs) which received commendation certificates recently for their contributions to Ho Chi Minh City’s development.

The certificates, awarded by the city’s People’s Committee, were presented by the Ho Chi Minh City Federation of Friendship Organisations, at a ceremony.

A top official of the French Association des Retraires et de Benevoles pour la Cooperation also received a commendation certificate.

Mr Le Hung Quoc, Chairman of the federation, thanked the organisations and the official for their contributions to the city’s social development.

According to a Viet Nam News report, he said that in the first six months of the year total non-governmental aid to Ho Chi Minh City reached US$7.7 million (S$11.4 million), marking a 12-per cent increase compared to the same period last year.

Most of this funding – US$5.1 million – was channelled to the city’s Department of Health’s HIV/Aids section, epidemic control, public awareness campaigns and research activities.

The Methodist Missions Society of The Methodist Church in Singapore is involved in three major projects in Vietnam. It runs the 15 May School, Hope Paediatric Oncology Ward and Love Child Charity Clinic.

The school provides sponsorship for poor street children to have a proper education, the oncology ward works together with the cancer ward and provides training to enhance cancer care, and the charity clinic provides services for poor children.


Let’s come together for the harvest

I LIKE repeating good stories. I was deeply moved the first time I watched the short movie dramatising a true story entitled “The Harvest”.1

Chuck Klein, the executive producer of the film, was the second of four boys who grew up with their parents on a farm in North Dakota, the United States. His father set them a godly Christian example which created a wonderful environment for the whole family. He taught the boys the importance of hard work and showed them how to run a farm.

One fateful year, just before harvest time and without any warning, their father died. One day he was with them in the fields preparing for the harvest and the next he was gone. The family was devastated.

Apart from the deep grief and loss they were experiencing, they worried about the huge harvest their father had worked so hard for all year. It was ripe. And if nothing was done, in a short time it would begin to rot – the harvest would be lost – wasted.

The whole community rallied around them. They all left their own fields, came together, and in one day they brought in the whole harvest for that family! People who normally hardly spoke to one another put aside their differences and worked hand in hand to bring in the harvest. The harvest has a wonderful way of bringing people together.

As I watched the movie, I sensed the Lord say to me, “Watch Me do this – I am going to bring together My people from different denominations from different nations – they will join hands with Me to bring in My Harvest!”

Some of us who watched it happen could hardly believe it – two huge national missions conferences decided to set aside their differences and form one missions conference – not just for all Singapore churches to come together – but also to invite the world to come to Singapore as a launch-pad to missions in Asia!

Go Forth National Missions Conference 2008 and Go Fest Asia 2008 will come together at the Suntec City Convention Centre with the theme “God’s Glory in the East – Our Asian Missions Challenge”.

Reserve these dates in your calendar now – July 16, 17, 18 and 19, 2008. If the Lord has asked you to set aside time for a mission trip next year – include this conference as part of that whole experience.

If you have been echoing the prayer of our Lord Jesus (John 17) – “Father, may they be one” – come and see a partial answer to your prayer.

Pastors and mission leaders, bring your people with you and allow the Holy Spirit to set your hearts on fire for His Harvest together. Even the children will have their own missions conference. For more details visit both websites: www. go4th.org.sg and www.gofestasia.com

1 Go to www.theharvest.com for details on how you can get a copy yourself. The movie is 17 minutes long and is ideal for stirring your whole church to play their role in bringing in the harvest.

The Rev Dr Norman Wong is the Executive Director of the Methodist Missions Society.

