Missions, Outreach

MMS launches new logo with thanks to God for 25 years

Thanking God for His immense faithfulness and favour, the Methodist Missions Society (MMS) revealed their new logo at their 25th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service on 19 Aug 2016, at the Trinity Theological College Chapel.

Amid heartfelt expressions of gratitude to God for His grace, about 200 staff, missionaries, volunteers, supporters, guests and well-wishers joined in the countdown to unveil the logo, which was in the shape of a fish with a cross in the centre.

“The fish shape, reminiscent of the ‘Jesus fish’ symbol, identifies us as a Christian organisation, with the cross of Jesus at the centre,” explained the Rev Philip Lim Kian Leong, Executive Director of MMS. “The logo also reminds us of Jesus’ words to Peter, that He would make us ‘fishers of men’. The blue and red in the logo are the official colours of The Methodist Church in Singapore.” The logo was designed by Ms Angeline Tan from Pentecost Methodist Church.

In praise to God, MMS took the opportunity to present Long Service Awards in recognition of some of their missionaries who have served for between eight and 18 years, the longest-serving being Ms Carol Loh Juat Fang and Ms Tan Li Diang, both from Bedok Methodist Church. A video was also screened, of missionaries recounting what had started them on their mission journeys, their challenges, and how God had kept them motivated.

Ms Gloria Khoo, a missionary, and the Rev Singa Tamang, a national pastor, were present at the Service to share their testimonies.

Gloria, who is from Charis Methodist Church, shared about how God freed her from the chains of depression and suicidal thoughts in her teenage years, and gave her a hunger in her spirit for missions. She spoke of the challenges in moving from a mission field in one country to another as led by God, and her realisation that “only God is consistent”. The congregation was moved as she teared while sharing about the cardiac-related medical conditions of her two children, yet gave glory to God for His miraculous provision for their health.

The Rev Tamang, an ordained elder of the Methodist Church in Nepal, described his journey from his family’s Asian religion to Christianity, and his struggle to find peace as he was influenced by his teacher towards atheist beliefs. He spoke of how God overcame his resistance through Bible verses, and gave him such peace that even his dreams changed from carrying heavy loads to flying in a garden. He then shared about God’s providence in leading him into ministry, meeting all his needs even as he had a child with disability.

Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup gave an animated sermon based on Psalm 105:1-6 (ESV), noting: “How do we give thanks to God? Psalm 105 shows us a way of doing so, which may not be a way we are used to. ‘Call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!’ In other words, say in a loud voice that He is God!”

Bishop Dr Wee punctuated his point by loudly proclaiming “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” and drawing parallels with crowds cheering for a soccer player such as Eric Cantona, chanting his name. By doing so, he noted, there is an expectation for the person to act. “Similarly, when we call on God’s name, we expect Him to act for His glory and honour.”

Making known God’s deeds entails telling others what He has done – as the psalmist says, to “tell of all his wondrous works”. The rest of Psalm 105, explained the Bishop, elaborates on what these wondrous works are.

Verse 12, for example, tells about the small beginnings of the people of Israel. Bishop Dr Wee noted that from MMS’ small beginnings, with the passion and dedication of its Founding Director the late Rev Dr Clarence Lim, MMS has grown over the past 25 years to expand its ministry to seven nations. “God made it happen!” he asserted.

He concluded the sermon by leading the congregation to loudly proclaim “Jesus!” three times, while reflecting on all God has accomplished in our lives, bearing in mind our hopes and expectations, and offering to Him whatever comes to our minds and hearts.

The Service closed with Bishop Dr Wee and the Presidents of the three Annual Conferences – the Rev Dr Chong Chin Chung, the Rev R. Prabhu, and the Rev Dr Gordon Wong – praying for MMS’ national pastors, missionaries, and staff in the Home Office (top left photo). MMS also announced that they had refreshed the look of their publication, Harvest Force, and invited the congregation to fellowship over a reception.


Photos courtesy of the Methodist Missions Society

Grace Toh – 

is Assistant Editor of Methodist Message and has been a member of Kampong Kapor Methodist Church for most of her life.

